为什么 SQL 不允许多个子查询使用 WITH 子句?
Why does SQL not allow the WITH clause for multiple subqueries?
为什么 SQL 只允许嵌套子查询?
- 找出评分最高的每个职业的用户。
Table 名称是 ratings,列
- user_id
- 职业
- 评分
在 Postgres 或 Bigquery 中,
with ratings_by_user as (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
from ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
from ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
但我不确定如何在 SQL 中执行此操作,我需要将所有子查询嵌套在一个块中。
这是我在 SQL 中的尝试,但它不起作用。
select occupation, user_id, count(*) as num_ratings
from (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) max_ratings
from (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from users
group by 1,2
) as ratings_table
group by 1
) as max_ratings_table
inner join ratings on ratings.occupation = max_ratings_table.occupation
where max_ratings = num_ratings
任何人都可以告诉我如何在 SQL 中使用相同样式的 Postgres / Bigquery 我希望按顺序处理我的子查询吗?我只是发现很难一次性解决复杂的问题。
Per https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/with.html and MySQL "WITH" clause - WITH
仅在 MySQL 8+ 上受支持。确保您使用的是适当版本的 MySQL
转换为嵌套版本并不难。我们把你的工作 sql:
with ratings_by_user as (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
from ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
from ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
我们复制所有内容,包括 WITH 的括号,并在使用别名之前粘贴它。
第 1 步,剪切 ratings_by_user 并将其粘贴到任何使用 ratings_by_user 的地方(两次)
--cut from here
with ratings_by_user as ,
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
--paste to here
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
--and also paste to here
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
第 2 步,将 max_ratings_by_occupation 剪切并粘贴到使用位置:
with ratings_by_user as ,
--cut from here
max_ratings_by_occupation as ,
select occupation, user_id
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join
--paste to here
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
) max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
select occupation, user_id
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
) max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
这将是 optimizing/rewriting 的开始。棘手的部分是它使用 ratings_by_user 两次,因此在步骤 1 中需要两次粘贴
select occupation, user_id, count(*) as num_ratings
( --max_ratings_table available inside these brackets
select occupation, max(num_ratings) max_ratings
from (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from users
group by 1,2
) as ratings_table
group by 1
) as max_ratings_table
--end of max_ratings_table availability
inner join ratings on ratings.occupation = max_ratings_table.occupation
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- mrt not available here
where max_ratings = num_ratings
为什么 SQL 只允许嵌套子查询?
- 找出评分最高的每个职业的用户。
Table 名称是 ratings,列
- user_id
- 职业
- 评分
在 Postgres 或 Bigquery 中, 我愿意
with ratings_by_user as (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
from ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
from ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
但我不确定如何在 SQL 中执行此操作,我需要将所有子查询嵌套在一个块中。 这是我在 SQL 中的尝试,但它不起作用。
select occupation, user_id, count(*) as num_ratings
from (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) max_ratings
from (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from users
group by 1,2
) as ratings_table
group by 1
) as max_ratings_table
inner join ratings on ratings.occupation = max_ratings_table.occupation
where max_ratings = num_ratings
任何人都可以告诉我如何在 SQL 中使用相同样式的 Postgres / Bigquery 我希望按顺序处理我的子查询吗?我只是发现很难一次性解决复杂的问题。
Per https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/with.html and MySQL "WITH" clause - WITH
仅在 MySQL 8+ 上受支持。确保您使用的是适当版本的 MySQL
转换为嵌套版本并不难。我们把你的工作 sql:
with ratings_by_user as (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
from ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
from ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
我们复制所有内容,包括 WITH 的括号,并在使用别名之前粘贴它。
第 1 步,剪切 ratings_by_user 并将其粘贴到任何使用 ratings_by_user 的地方(两次)
--cut from here
with ratings_by_user as ,
max_ratings_by_occupation as (
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
--paste to here
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
select occupation, user_id
--and also paste to here
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
第 2 步,将 max_ratings_by_occupation 剪切并粘贴到使用位置:
with ratings_by_user as ,
--cut from here
max_ratings_by_occupation as ,
select occupation, user_id
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join
--paste to here
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
) max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
select occupation, user_id
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
inner join
select occupation, max(num_ratings) as max_ratings
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from ratings
group by 1,2
) ratings_by_user
group by 1
) max_ratings_by_occupation
using (occupation)
where num_ratings = max_ratings
这将是 optimizing/rewriting 的开始。棘手的部分是它使用 ratings_by_user 两次,因此在步骤 1 中需要两次粘贴
select occupation, user_id, count(*) as num_ratings
( --max_ratings_table available inside these brackets
select occupation, max(num_ratings) max_ratings
from (
select occupation, user_id, count(*) num_ratings
from users
group by 1,2
) as ratings_table
group by 1
) as max_ratings_table
--end of max_ratings_table availability
inner join ratings on ratings.occupation = max_ratings_table.occupation
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- mrt not available here
where max_ratings = num_ratings