
Why does function overload fix type-narrowing issue?

我遇到了一个问题,它基本上涉及缩小从一个对象中编辑的类型 return,通过它的键访问。假设我有一个对象,其值可以是 numberstring:

type Value = number | string;

enum DatumKey {
  numberDatum = 'numberDatum',
  stringDatum = 'stringDatum',

class DemoClass {
  private data = {
    [DatumKey.numberDatum]: 1337,
    [DatumKey.stringDatum]: 'foobar',

  public getValue(key: DatumKey): Value {
    return this.data[key];

  public doSomething(): void {
    const num: number = this.getValue(DatumKey.numberDatum); // TS expects `number | string`, I expect `number`
    const str: string = this.getValue(DatumKey.stringDatum); // TS expects `number | string`, I expect `string`

    console.log({ num, str });

const dc = new DemoClass();

See Typescript Playground example.


所以,为了缩小类型,我尝试使用通用类型,然后我可以告诉 getValue<...>() 我在 return 中期望什么样的类型:

public getValue<T extends Value>(key: DatumKey): T {
  // Error here: Type 'Value' not assignable to type 'T'
  return this.data[key];

public doSomething(): void {
  const num: number = this.getValue<number>(DatumKey.numberDatum); // TS expects `number`, it's good!
  const str: string = this.getValue<string>(DatumKey.stringDatum); // TS expects `string`, it's good!

但是,通过这样做,我从 TypeScript 中得到一个错误:

Type 'Value' is not assignable to type 'T'.
  'Value' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint '{}'.
    Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T'.
      'string' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint '{}'.

See Typescript Playground example.



public getValue<T extends Value>(key: DatumKey): T 
public getValue(key: DatumKey): Value {
  return this.data[key];

public doSomething(): void {
  const num = this.getValue<number>(DatumKey.numberDatum); // TS expects `number`, it's good!
  const str = this.getValue<string>(DatumKey.stringDatum); // TS expects `string`, it's good!

See Typescript Playground example.

您的工作解决方案并不真正有效。变量 numstr 的类型分别为 Value 而不是 numberstring.


enum DatumKey {
  numberDatum = 'numberDatum',
  stringDatum = 'stringDatum',

const data = {
  [DatumKey.numberDatum]: 1337,
  [DatumKey.stringDatum]: 'foobar',

function getValue<T extends keyof typeof data>(key: T): (typeof data)[T] {
  return data[key];

// You don't have to explicitly type num and str. They are automatically inferred 
const num = getValue(DatumKey.numberDatum);
const str = getValue(DatumKey.stringDatum);