
Is there a canonical “isinstance” implementation for typing types?

你不能在 isinstance 检查中使用像 Dict[str, int] 这样的 typing 类型:

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In [1]: from typing import Dict

In [2]: myvar = {"a": 1}

In [3]: isinstance(myvar, Dict[str, int])
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-a8fee57141ae> in <module>
----> 1 isinstance(myvar, Dict[str, int])

然而,任何进行类型检查的库都需要能够做类似 isinstance(myvar, Dict[str, int]) 的事情(...我意识到它应该被称为不同于 isinstance 的东西,这是不完全一样)

我觉得用于打字的等效函数一定存在于某处,也许在 mypy 项目中? (不过里面代码比较复杂,我至今没找到)

除了 mypy 之外还有很多项目需要这个,像 pydantic for example, and AFAICT they all have complicated hand-rolled implementations and it seems like there are lots of edge cases (or just… ‘cases’) which have to be enumerated and covered. This leads to bugs/limited type recognition e.g. https://github.com/bloomberg/attrs-strict/issues/27



我给你一个来自 Python stdlib 的激励性例子:


For functions annotated with types, the decorator will infer the type of the first argument automatically:

>>> @fun.register
... def _(arg: int, verbose=False):
...     if verbose:
...         print("Strength in numbers, eh?", end=" ")
...     print(arg)
>>> @fun.register
... def _(arg: list, verbose=False):
...     if verbose:
...         print("Enumerate this:")
...     for i, elem in enumerate(arg):
...         print(i, elem)

嗯,这很酷。但这是作弊,因为现在通常我们不会使用内置的 list 来注释第二个函数,而是使用 List[str] 之类的东西......那是行不通的,因为 singledispatch 是只是做一个天真的 isinstance 检查,它不能处理类型泛型。所以 singledispatch 并不像它声称的那样真正支持按类型注释进行调度。


我能想到的最接近的东西是 pydantic 的 parse_obj_as。它的不同之处在于它试图将对象强制转换为特定类型,如果失败则引发错误,但它非常接近。


from pydantic import parse_obj_as
from typing import Dict

parse_obj_as(Dict[str, int], {'xxx': 1, 'yyy': 2})
#> {'xxx': 1, 'yyy': 2}

parse_obj_as(Dict[str, int], {'xxx': 1, 123: '12'})
#> {'xxx': 1, '123': 12}

parse_obj_as(Dict[str, int], ['not a dict'])
#> ValidationError: 1 validation error for ParsingModel[Dict[str, int]]
#> __root__
#>   value is not a valid dict (type=type_error.dict)

