不允许对非寄存器 shiftedy 进行程序分配,左侧应为 reg/integer/time/genvar——这是我遇到的错误
Procedural assignment to a non-register shiftedy is not permitted, left-hand side should be reg/integer/time/genvar -- this is the error I am getting
我差不多已经解决了这个问题,并在代码中进行了如下所示的更改。我也没有收到任何错误,但唯一的问题是 'shiftedy' 的输出与预期不符。此外,我使用 Xilinx 来 运行 我的项目,我在 'shiftedy' 的模拟输出中得到了红线。下面是相同的屏幕截图。如果有人可以帮助我。
module shifter(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y);
output [31:0] shiftedy;
input [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
input [31:0] y;
wire [4:0] amount, m, n;
wire shiftdir;
assign m = constamt & constvar;
assign n = x && constvar;
assign amount = m || n;
assign shiftedy = (shiftdir == 1'b1) ? (shiftedy <= y << amount) : (shiftedy <= y >> amount);
module stimulus;
wire [31:0] shiftedy;
reg [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
reg [31:0] y;
shifter s1(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y);
$monitor($time, "X=%b, constamt=%b, Y=%b, shiftedy=%b", x, constamt, y, shiftedy);
x=5'd0; y=32'd0; constamt=5'd0; constvar=5'd0;
#5 x = 5'd3; y = 5'd4;
#5 x = 5'd5; y = 5'd2; constamt = 1'b1;
#5 x = 5'd5; y = 5'd10;
#5 x = 5'd2; y = 5'd10; constamt = 1'b0;
#5 x = 5'd10; y = 5'd5; constamt = 1'b1;
您没有分配 shiftdir,所以它变成了 x 或者 z.There 您的代码中也有一些基本的语法问题。
module shifter(
output [31:0] shifted_y
,input [4:0] x, const_amt, const_var
,input [31:0] y
,input shift_dir
wire [4:0] amount, m, n;
assign m = const_amt & const_var;
assign n = x && const_var;
assign amount = m || n;
assign shifted_y = (shift_dir == 1'b1) ? y << amount : y >> amount ;
module stimulus;
wire [31:0] shiftedy;
reg [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
reg [31:0] y;
reg shift_dir;
shifter s1(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y,shift_dir);
initial begin
$monitor($time, "X=%b, constamt=%b, Y=%b, shiftedy=%b", x, constamt, y, shiftedy);
initial begin
x = 5'd0 ;
y = 32'd0;
constamt = 5'd0 ;
constvar = 5'd0 ;
shift_dir = 1'b0;
#5 x = 5'd3 ; y = 32'd4 ;
#5 x = 5'd5 ; y = 32'd2 ; constamt = 5'b1;
#5 x = 5'd5 ; y = 32'd10;
#5 x = 5'd2 ; y = 32'd10; constamt = 5'b0;
#5 x = 5'd10; y = 32'd5 ; constamt = 5'b1;
module ALU (
output [31:0] s
,input [31:0] x,y
,input [04:0] const_amount
,input shift_dir,add_sub,const_var
,input [1:0] function_class,logic_function
// shifter logic
wire [4:0] amount = const_var ? x [4:0] : const_amount;
wire [31:0] shifted_y = shift_dir ? y << amount : y >> amount ;
// ALU
wire [31:0] k = {32{add_sub}} ^ y ;
wire [31:0] alu_out = add_sub ? x + k : x - k;
//logic unit
wire [31:0] logic_out = (logic_function == 2'b00 ) ? x & y : // ADD
(logic_function == 2'b01 ) ? x | y : // OR
(logic_function == 2'b10 ) ? x ^ y : // XOR
(logic_function == 2'b11 ) ? x ~| y : 32'b0 ; // NOR
// output mux
assign s = (function_class == 2'b00 ) ? shifted_y :
(function_class == 2'b01 ) ? alu_out :
(function_class == 2'b10 ) ? alu_out :
(function_class == 2'b11 ) ? logic_out : 32'b0;
我差不多已经解决了这个问题,并在代码中进行了如下所示的更改。我也没有收到任何错误,但唯一的问题是 'shiftedy' 的输出与预期不符。此外,我使用 Xilinx 来 运行 我的项目,我在 'shiftedy' 的模拟输出中得到了红线。下面是相同的屏幕截图。如果有人可以帮助我。
module shifter(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y);
output [31:0] shiftedy;
input [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
input [31:0] y;
wire [4:0] amount, m, n;
wire shiftdir;
assign m = constamt & constvar;
assign n = x && constvar;
assign amount = m || n;
assign shiftedy = (shiftdir == 1'b1) ? (shiftedy <= y << amount) : (shiftedy <= y >> amount);
module stimulus;
wire [31:0] shiftedy;
reg [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
reg [31:0] y;
shifter s1(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y);
$monitor($time, "X=%b, constamt=%b, Y=%b, shiftedy=%b", x, constamt, y, shiftedy);
x=5'd0; y=32'd0; constamt=5'd0; constvar=5'd0;
#5 x = 5'd3; y = 5'd4;
#5 x = 5'd5; y = 5'd2; constamt = 1'b1;
#5 x = 5'd5; y = 5'd10;
#5 x = 5'd2; y = 5'd10; constamt = 1'b0;
#5 x = 5'd10; y = 5'd5; constamt = 1'b1;
您没有分配 shiftdir,所以它变成了 x 或者 z.There 您的代码中也有一些基本的语法问题。
module shifter(
output [31:0] shifted_y
,input [4:0] x, const_amt, const_var
,input [31:0] y
,input shift_dir
wire [4:0] amount, m, n;
assign m = const_amt & const_var;
assign n = x && const_var;
assign amount = m || n;
assign shifted_y = (shift_dir == 1'b1) ? y << amount : y >> amount ;
module stimulus;
wire [31:0] shiftedy;
reg [4:0] x, constamt, constvar;
reg [31:0] y;
reg shift_dir;
shifter s1(shiftedy, x, constamt, constvar, y,shift_dir);
initial begin
$monitor($time, "X=%b, constamt=%b, Y=%b, shiftedy=%b", x, constamt, y, shiftedy);
initial begin
x = 5'd0 ;
y = 32'd0;
constamt = 5'd0 ;
constvar = 5'd0 ;
shift_dir = 1'b0;
#5 x = 5'd3 ; y = 32'd4 ;
#5 x = 5'd5 ; y = 32'd2 ; constamt = 5'b1;
#5 x = 5'd5 ; y = 32'd10;
#5 x = 5'd2 ; y = 32'd10; constamt = 5'b0;
#5 x = 5'd10; y = 32'd5 ; constamt = 5'b1;
module ALU (
output [31:0] s
,input [31:0] x,y
,input [04:0] const_amount
,input shift_dir,add_sub,const_var
,input [1:0] function_class,logic_function
// shifter logic
wire [4:0] amount = const_var ? x [4:0] : const_amount;
wire [31:0] shifted_y = shift_dir ? y << amount : y >> amount ;
// ALU
wire [31:0] k = {32{add_sub}} ^ y ;
wire [31:0] alu_out = add_sub ? x + k : x - k;
//logic unit
wire [31:0] logic_out = (logic_function == 2'b00 ) ? x & y : // ADD
(logic_function == 2'b01 ) ? x | y : // OR
(logic_function == 2'b10 ) ? x ^ y : // XOR
(logic_function == 2'b11 ) ? x ~| y : 32'b0 ; // NOR
// output mux
assign s = (function_class == 2'b00 ) ? shifted_y :
(function_class == 2'b01 ) ? alu_out :
(function_class == 2'b10 ) ? alu_out :
(function_class == 2'b11 ) ? logic_out : 32'b0;