Rust,在闭包内做一个闭包,避免 "closure may outlive the current function"

Rust, make a closure inside a closure avoiding "closure may outlive the current function"


input = [("a", [1,2,3]), ("b", [4,5,6])]


output = [(a,1), (c,2) ..... (b,6)] 


    let foo=vec![('a', vec![1,2,3]), ('v', vec![2,3,4])];
    let baz: Vec<(char,i32)> = foo.into_iter().map(|a|a.1.into_iter().map( |b|(a.0, b))).flatten().collect();


error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `a`, which is owned by the current function
  --> src/
10 |     let baz: Vec<(char,i32)> = foo.into_iter().map(|a|a.1.into_iter().map( |b|(a.0, b))).flatten().collect();
   |                                                                            ^^^ - `a` is borrowed here
   |                                                                            |
   |                                                                            may outlive borrowed value `a`
note: closure is returned here
  --> src/
10 |     let baz: Vec<(char,i32)> = foo.into_iter().map(|a|a.1.into_iter().map( |b|(a.0, b))).flatten().collect();
   |                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: to force the closure to take ownership of `a` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword
10 |     let baz: Vec<(char,i32)> = foo.into_iter().map(|a|a.1.into_iter().map( move |b|(a.0, b))).flatten().collect();
   |                                                                            ^^^^^^^^

error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `a`
  --> src/
10 |     let baz: Vec<(char,i32)> = foo.into_iter().map(|a|a.1.into_iter().map( |b|(a.0, b))).flatten().collect();
   |                                                       ---                  ^^^ - borrow occurs due to use in closure
   |                                                       |                    |
   |                                                       value moved here     value borrowed here after partial move
   = note: move occurs because `a.1` has type `std::vec::Vec<i32>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

我认为这意味着 Rust 不知道如何复制我的 i32s 向量,所以认为它必须移动 vec,但不能这样做。

如何解决这个问题?为 vec 实现一个 Copy 方法,或者有更好的方法吗?

IntoIterator 消耗并产生值。由于 Vec 没有实现 Copy,当你调用 a.1.into_iter() 时,它被移动了。您可以像这样克隆它:a.1.clone().into_iter()

此外,您想使用 move 关键字在闭包中获取 a 的所有权。

let baz: Vec<(char, i32)> = foo
    .map(|a| a.1.clone().into_iter().map(move |b| (a.0, b)))
println!("{:?}", baz);
// [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('v', 2), ('v', 3), ('v', 4)]


最简单的解决方案是解构 a,因此每个组件都可以 borrowed/moved 单独:

.map(|(c, v)| v.into_iter().map(move |b| (c, b)))

还要注意 move 关键字,这意味着 c 被移动到内部闭包中,因此它可以比外部闭包更有效。