
Selection of with voice input


Currently, there is no keyword support to map "home" as "first one", if that is what you are asking. However, if you model your JS file to take "home" as a valid input argument, and map it to the correct email address, the user can just say "home" during input selection.

目前,是否有任何方法可以将用于选择的选项映射到已经构建的 "first one" 之类的输入?至于JS文件中的建模选项,有没有参考资料?

[编辑] 我发现可以通过为您与选择选项相关的概念添加适当的培训来实现,不确定是否是这样。如果用户说出与该词相似的词怎么办,我应该在哪里添加更多选项呢?是在词汇文件中还是像这样在js文件中添加无限的可能性 And i think this is kind of related to the discussion in this topic 'Illegal Plan' message when tagging training data with Vocab types

我是否应该按照 post or


是的,基本上通过在提示中添加训练,并使用带词汇的枚举,通常测验胶囊可以正确映射A,B,C,D的语音输入,包括"Ace, Bee, See"(语音的错误ASR结果).

我建议您在我们的市场上查看 QuizIt 胶囊。这是将语音输入映射到输入视图中的选择的一个很好的例子。

一个缺点是训练量大,开发者需要训练所有可能的输入。一种实现是标准化选择。考虑一种棋盘游戏类型的胶囊,其中玩家面临选择,例如,"You are now standing in front of a door. What would you want to do?" 一种可能的实现是做这样的事情:"Option one: Break open it."、"Option two: turn away"、"Option three: try the key you just found"(选项三只有当你有钥匙时才会出现)。因此只有训练和匹配"Option X"。