已禁用 collide_point RelativeLayout 与 StencilView

KIVY collide_point RelativeLayout vs StencilView

我从 Python 中的 Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games - Second Edition by Roberto Ulloa 开始学习 KIVY”。 我试图通过示例程序来理解 collide_point。

在具有以下示例代码的 RelativeLayout 中,我能够识别何时在水平线上单击了鼠标。但是,如果我使用 StencilView,我将无法捕获触摸事件。


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.graphics import Line
from kivy.uix.scatter import Scatter
from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout
from kivy.uix.stencilview import StencilView

class MyPaintWidget(Scatter):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs) :
        self.selected = None
        self.touched = False
        super(MyPaintWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def create_figure(self,  **kwargs):
        (ix,iy) = self.to_local(*self.pos)
        (fx,fy) = self.to_local(self.pos[0] + self.size[0], self.pos[1] + self.size[1])
        print ("ix " + str(ix) + " iy " + str(iy) + " fx " + str(fx) + " fy " + str(fy))
        self.canvas.add(Line( points=[ix, iy, fx, fy], width=1))
        return self

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if self.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
           #This print I get for RelativeLayout
           #But for StencilView it does not work when I touch the line
           print("Hi you touched the line")

class MyPaintApp(App):

    def build(self):
        #If parent is StencilView unable to click
        #but if parent is RelativeLayout, I am able to get collide_point
        #parent = StencilView()
        parent = RelativeLayout()
        #parent = Scatter()
        ix = 100.
        iy = 100.
        fx = 200.
        fy = 100.
        pos = (min(ix, fx), min(iy, fy))
        size = (abs(fx-ix), abs(fy-iy))

        self.painter = MyPaintWidget(pos=pos, size=size)
        return parent

if __name__ == '__main__':

StencilViewdocumentation 说:


StencilView is not a layout. Consequently, you have to manage the size and position of its children directly. You can combine (subclass both) a StencilView and a Layout in order to achieve a layout’s behavior.

因此,您为其子项设置的 size 将被使用,而 size_hint 将被忽略。根据您的计算,您的 MyPaintWidgetsize(100.0, 0.0)。 0 的高度永远不会 return Truecollide_point()

但是,当您使用 RelativeLayout 时,size_hint 不会被忽略,并且由于 size_hint 的默认值是 (1,1),您的 MyPaintWidget 结束使用与您的 App 相同的尺码。您计算的 size 将被忽略,您的大部分 collide_point() 调用都会得到 True 结果。

要获得一致的结果,请将 size_hint=(None, None) 添加到您的 MyPaintWidget(pos=pos, size=size)。当然,height 为 0 时,您将永远不会发生碰撞。