how to use backpack clone feature for unique field form
Backpack Crud 有克隆功能。但当我们的 table 具有唯一字段列时,它不起作用。
Backpack clone Documentation
当 table 有独特的列时如何克隆它?
public function clone($id)
$clonedEntry = $this->crud->model->findOrFail($id)->replicate();
return (string) $clonedEntry->push();
public function clone($id)
$clonedEntry = $this->crud->model->findOrFail($id)->replicate();
// now resolve the value for unique attribute before save. e.g.
$slug = Str::slug($clonedEntry->name, '-');
$count = $this->crud->model->whereRaw("slug RLIKE '^{$slug}(-[0-9]+)?$'")->count();
$clonedEntry->slug = $count ? "{$slug}-{$count}" : $slug;
// when you are done, save changes
return (string) $clonedEntry->push();
您没有指定有关 "unique" 属性的任何内容。随意根据您的需要自定义解析器。
Backpack Crud 有克隆功能。但当我们的 table 具有唯一字段列时,它不起作用。 Backpack clone Documentation 当 table 有独特的列时如何克隆它?
public function clone($id)
$clonedEntry = $this->crud->model->findOrFail($id)->replicate();
return (string) $clonedEntry->push();
public function clone($id)
$clonedEntry = $this->crud->model->findOrFail($id)->replicate();
// now resolve the value for unique attribute before save. e.g.
$slug = Str::slug($clonedEntry->name, '-');
$count = $this->crud->model->whereRaw("slug RLIKE '^{$slug}(-[0-9]+)?$'")->count();
$clonedEntry->slug = $count ? "{$slug}-{$count}" : $slug;
// when you are done, save changes
return (string) $clonedEntry->push();
您没有指定有关 "unique" 属性的任何内容。随意根据您的需要自定义解析器。