如何使用 Pygubu - Python

How to use Pygubu - Python

我第一次尝试使用 pygubu 来制作更好的 GUI。我已经使用 pip 安装了它并且安装正确。但是,当我尝试 运行 示例代码 Here (At the bottom of the web page) 时,我收到错误

AttributeError: module 'pygubu' has no attribute 'Builder'

不知道这段代码对不对。我一直在寻找使用此工具的方法,但我只能找到 link 和安装它的视频。我也试过 This video 但不知道如何 open/run/use。如果这是问题所在,我正在使用 python-idle。代码(如果你不想遵循 link)是:

# helloworld.py
import tkinter as tk
import pygubu

class HelloWorldApp:

    def __init__(self):

        #1: Create a builder
        self.builder = builder = pygubu.Builder()

        #2: Load an ui file

        #3: Create the mainwindow
        self.mainwindow = builder.get_object('mainwindow')

    def run(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = HelloWorldApp()

如有任何帮助,我将不胜感激。此外,当我再次尝试安装它时 - 只是为了检查 - 我得到:

Pygubu 是一个应用程序。在 C: 驱动器的文件中找到它。代码:

# helloworld.py
import tkinter as tk
import pygubu

class HelloWorldApp:

    def __init__(self):

        #1: Create a builder
        self.builder = builder = pygubu.Builder()

        #2: Load an ui file

        #3: Create the mainwindow
        self.mainwindow = builder.get_object('mainwindow')

    def run(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = HelloWorldApp()

是 运行 在您创建 UI(此应用程序使用的格式)并且指定的 UI 的名称是 helloworld.ui 之后。

Note that instead of helloworld.ui in the following line:

builder.add_from_file('helloworld.ui') You should insert the filename (or path) of your just saved UI definition.

Note also that instead of 'mainwindow' in the following line:

self.mainwindow = builder.get_object('mainwindow') You should have the name of your main widget (the parent of all widgets), otherwise you will get an error similar to the following:

Exception: Widget not defined.

This link explains the usage better than one stated in question