如何在 VueJS 项目中将 leaflet-semicircle 与 vue2-leaflet 一起使用?

How can I use leaflet-semicircle with vue2-leaflet in a VueJS project?

我用Vue2LeafletLeaflet-semicircle。我在使用Vue2Leaflet 时没有问题,但我不知道如何在我的VueJS 项目中使用Leaflet-semicircle。

    import { latLng } from "leaflet";
    import { LMap, LTileLayer, LMarker, LCircleMarker, LPopup, LTooltip } from "vue2-leaflet";
    import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
    import moment from 'moment';
    import 'leaflet-semicircle';

    export default {
        name: 'Map',
        components: { LMap, LTileLayer, LMarker, LCircleMarker, LPopup, LTooltip, LSemicircle },
        data() {
            return {
            map: null,
            zoom: 12,
            center: latLng(53.88694, 27.554572),
            url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
            withPopup: latLng(53.88694, 27.524572),
            withTooltip: latLng(53.88694, 27.565572),
            currentZoom: 12,
            currentCenter: latLng(53.88694, 27.554572),
            showParagraph: false,
            mapOptions: {
                zoomSnap: 0.5
            showMap: true
        mounted() {
            this.map = this.$refs.map.mapObject;
            this.$nextTick(() => {
                this.map = this.$refs.map.mapObject;
        updated() {
            L.semiCircle(latLng(53.88694, 27.554572), { // not working
                radius: 5000,
                startAngle: 45,
                stopAngle: 360
        computed: {
            ...mapGetters('targetControl', { events: 'getEvents'}),



1) 检查来源 https://github.com/vue-leaflet/Vue2Leaflet/blob/master/src/components/LCircle.vue 并基于该组件创建您自己的组件(来自 Leaflet-semicircle 的 API 说这不应该是一个令人头疼的问题)

2) 检查页面 https://vue2-leaflet.netlify.com/plugins/ there are a list of plugins. The closest one is probably https://github.com/ais-one/vue2-leaflet-tracksymbol 它为 vue2leaflet 添加了另一个传单插件功能


3) hacky 一个。您可以覆盖传单上的原始圆圈组件class(我不建议这样做,但它仍然是一个选项)


import L from "leaflet";
import 'leaflet-semicircle';

latLng changed by L.latLng 

我只是没有传单中的 L 功能