PostgresQL:在具有现有连接的 Unnest 上使用 Where 子句

PostgresSQL: Using Where Clause on Unnest with Existing Join

我已经努力解决了此查询的一些数据格式问题,但无法全神贯注地思考如何限制 unnest 中的月份列以排除未来日期。来源 table 包含不可靠的未来数据,因此我想将其排除。

select fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype, unnest(array[concat(year,'0101'), concat(year,'0201'), concat(year,'0301'), concat(year,'0401'), concat(year,'0501'), concat(year,'0601'), concat(year,'0701'), concat(year,'0801'), concat(year,'0901'), concat(year,'1001'), concat(year,'1101'), concat(year,'1201')])::date as month, unnest(array[sum(jan), sum(feb), sum(mar), sum(apr), sum(may), sum(jun), sum(jul), sum(aug), sum(sep), sum(oct), sum(nov), sum(dec)]) AS balance from fundbalancereport as fbr
left join account as a on a.accountnumber = split_part(text,' ',1) and a.organization = fbr.organization
where year > 2018
and left(text,1) = '1'
and accounttype = 'Bank'
group by fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype



理想情况下,我想添加一个 where 子句 of month is less than or equal to today 这应该产生:



但是当我尝试添加额外的 SELECT 时,我收到一个错误,提示返回了多行,所以我有点不知所措,因为我已经有一个我需要的现有连接。


select fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype, 
(select unnest(array[concat(year,'0101'), concat(year,'0201'), concat(year,'0301'), concat(year,'0401'), concat(year,'0501'), concat(year,'0601'), concat(year,'0701'), concat(year,'0801'), concat(year,'0901'), concat(year,'1001'), concat(year,'1101'), concat(year,'1201')])::date as month), (select unnest(array[sum(jan), sum(feb), sum(mar), sum(apr), sum(may), sum(jun), sum(jul), sum(aug), sum(sep), sum(oct), sum(nov), sum(dec)]) AS balance) from fundbalancereport as fbr
left join account as a on a.accountnumber = split_part(text,' ',1) and a.organization = fbr.organization
where year > 2018
and left(text,1) = '1'
and accounttype = 'Bank'
group by fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype


ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression


select 部分移动 unnest

select unnest(array['20190101'::date, '20200101'::date, '20210101'::date]) d


select d
from unnest(array['20190101'::date, '20200101'::date, '20210101'::date]) d
where d<=now()



select fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype, fbr.month, sum(fbr.val) as balance
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0101')::date as month, jan as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0201')::date as month, feb as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0301')::date as month, mar as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0401')::date as month, apr as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0501')::date as month, may as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0601')::date as month, jun as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0701')::date as month, jul as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0801')::date as month, aug as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'0901')::date as month, sep as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'1001')::date as month, oct as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'1101')::date as month, nov as val from fundbalancereport union
    select organization, year, text, concat(year,'1201')::date as month, dec as val from fundbalancereport
  ) fbr
left join account as a on a.accountnumber = split_part(text,' ',1) and a.organization = fbr.organization
where year > 2018
and left(text,1) = '1'
and accounttype = 'Bank'
group by fbr.organization, fbr.year, a.accounttype, fbr.month