超过梯度时 Tcpdf 多单元格边框丢失

Tcpdf multiCell border's missing when over gradient

如何在渐变上使用带有边框的 MultiCell?


// set colors for gradients (r,g,b) or (grey 0-255)
$red = array(255, 0, 0);
$blue = array(0, 0, 200);
$yellow = array(255, 255, 0);
$green = array(0, 255, 0);
$white = array(255);
$black = array(0);

// set the coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2 of the gradient (see linear_gradient_coords.jpg)
$coords = array(0, 0, 1, 0);

// paint a linear gradient
$pdf->LinearGradient(20, 45, 80, 80, $red, $blue, $coords);

// write label
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 100, 'LinearGradient()', 1);

根据 Nicola 本身 (https://sourceforge.net/p/tcpdf/bugs/236/) "this is wanted behaviour"。


// paint a linear gradient
$pdf->LinearGradient(20, 45, 80, 80, $red, $blue, $coords);


// write label
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 100, 'LinearGradient()', 1);

此外,通过 setPageMark 文档块:

Set start-writing mark on current page stream used to put borders and fills. Borders and fills are always created after content and inserted on the position marked by this method. This function must be called after calling Image() function for a background image. Background images must be always inserted before calling Multicell() or WriteHTMLCell() or WriteHTML() functions.