Executor Map 没有 运行 函数

Executor Map doesn't run a function

我正在尝试重现竞争条件。下面的代码在使用 submit 而不是 map 时工作正常,但我想了解为什么 map 没有 运行 更新方法。

import concurrent.futures
import time

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self):
        self.balance = 100  # shared data

    def update(self, transaction, amount):
        print(f'{transaction} started')
        tmp_amount = self.balance  # reading from db
        tmp_amount += amount
        self.balance = tmp_amount
        print(f'{transaction} ended')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    acc = BankAccount()
    print(f'Main started. acc.Balance={acc.balance}')

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as ex:
        ex.map(acc.update, [dict(transaction='refill', amount=100),
                            dict(transaction='withdraw', amount=-200)])

    print(f'End of Main. Balance={acc.balance}')


ex.map(acc.update, ['refill', 'withdraw'], [100, -200])


Executor.map(func, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1)

Similar to map(func, *iterables) ...

If a func call raises an exception, then that exception will be raised when its value is retrieved from the iterator.

因此,代码错误地传递了参数,但抑制了错误。获取值,例如通过 list(ex.map(...)) 显示错误:

TypeError: update() missing 1 required positional argument: 'amount'


#                  V transaction
ex.map(acc.update, ['refill', 'withdraw'], [100, -200])
#                                          ^ amount

可能需要通过调用而不是种类来排序参数。使用 zip* 解包将输入转换为 map 所要求的。

ex.map(acc.update, *zip(('refill', 100), ('withdraw', 200)))


def kwargify(func):
    """Wrap ``func`` to accept a dictionary of keyword arguments"""
    return lambda kwargs: func(**kwargs)

传递给 ex.map 时,只需用这个助手包装所需的函数即可:

            dict(transaction='refill', amount=100),
            dict(transaction='withdraw', amount=-200)