在 Scala 中是否有一个 shorthand for type variable 'm forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O] }`?

Is there a shorthand for type variable 'm forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O] }` in Scala?


trait UpperBound[O]
trait High[F[O] <: UpperBound[O]]

def canEqual(that :Any) = that.isInstanceOf[High[_]]

def high(h :High[_]) = ???

不编译,因为 scalac 看到 _ 类型而不是它期望的类型构造函数。如何修复它,最好不写小说?

原始问题(在对 Dmytro 的回答进行编辑之前)有:

def canEqual(that :Any) = that.isInstanceOf[High[m forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O] }]]

def high(h :High[m forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O] }] = ???

有没有更短的方法可以使用通配符表达式来编写上述两个方法? 简单地在 High 的类型参数位置使用 _ 是行不通的,因为种类不匹配,并且 _[_] 甚至不是一个有效的类型表达式。

  • 如果你在 High 之外进行存在量化,那么它只是

    type T = High[F] forSome { type F[O] <: UpperBound[O] }
    def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[T]
    def high(h: T) = ???
  • 如果在 High 内部进行存在量化,那么自

    implicitly[(n forSome { type n <: Upper}) =:= Upper]
    implicitly[(m[O1] forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O]}) =:= UpperBound[O1]]

    (反之亦然)只是 High[UpperBound]

    implicitly[High[m forSome { type m[O] <: UpperBound[O] }] =:= High[UpperBound]]
    def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[High[UpperBound]]
    def high(h: High[UpperBound]) = ???

    An existential type forSome { } where </code> contains a clause type <code>[tps]>:<: is equivalent to the type ′ forSome { } where results from </code> by replacing every covariant occurrence of <code> in </code> by <code> and by replacing every contravariant occurrence of in </code> by <code>.
