无法从 c 中的函数获得响应

can't get response from a function in c


*Given a doubly linked lists with +ve and -ve key values.
*Write a function to delete all the nodes with negative key values.


struct list {
    int data;
    struct list *next;
    struct list *prev;
struct list *head = NULL;

struct list* create(int);
void modify(struct list*);

int main(void) {

int n, i, value;
struct list *temp;

printf("Enter the count of node :");
for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
    printf("Enter the value of node: ");
temp = head;
printf("\nDoubly linked list is created and the list is as follows : \n");
while (temp != NULL) {
    printf("%d ",temp -> data);
    temp = temp -> next;

struct list* create(int value) {
    struct list *new_node, *temp;
    temp = head;
    new_node = (struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    new_node -> data = value;
    new_node -> next = NULL;
    new_node -> prev = NULL;
    if (head == NULL) {
        head = new_node;
    else {
        while (temp -> next != NULL) {
            temp = temp -> next;

        temp -> next = new_node;
        new_node -> prev = temp;
    return head;

void modify(struct list *head) {
    struct list *current_node, *prev_node, *next_node, *temp;
    temp = head;
    while (temp -> next != NULL) {
        if (temp -> data < 0) {
            current_node = temp;
            prev_node = temp -> prev;
            next_node = temp -> next;
            prev_node -> next = next_node;
            next_node -> prev = prev_node;

    printf("\nThe modified doubly linked list is : \n ");
    temp = head;
    while (temp -> next != NULL) {
        printf("%d",temp -> data);
        temp = temp -> next;

create()函数return是一个链表项。所以你必须将 return 值分配给一个项目。另外结构体内部指针的定义也是完全错误的。

struct list {
    int data;
    struct list *next;
    struct list *prev;
struct list *head = NULL;
struct list* create(int); //function prototype
void modify(struct list*);//function prototype

int main(void) {

int n, i, value;
struct list *temp;

printf("Enter the number of nodes :");
for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
    printf("Enter the value of node: ");
temp = head;
printf("\nDoubly linked list is created and the list is as follows : \n");
while (temp != NULL) {
    printf("%d ",temp -> data);
    temp = temp -> next;

void create(int value) {
    struct list* point = head;
      if(point->data != value)
          point = point->next;
         printf("Data exists\n");
         return NULL;
    struct list* item = (struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    item->data = value;
    item->next = NULL;
    item->prev = point;

void modify(struct list *head) {
    struct list *current_node, *prev_node, *next_node, *temp;
    temp = head;
    while (temp -> next != NULL) {
        if (temp -> data < 0) {
            temp->prev->next = temp->next;
            temp->next->prev = temp->prev;
        temp = temp->next;
    printf("\nThe modified doubly linked list is : \n ");
    temp = head;
    while (temp -> next != NULL) {
        printf("%d",temp -> data);
        temp = temp -> next;








因此,当函数 modify 通过值获取指向头节点的指针时,这意味着它处理指向头节点的指针的副本。因此,函数中指向头节点的指针的任何更改都不会影响指向头节点的原始指针。


temp = head;
while (temp -> next != NULL) {



while (temp -> next != NULL) {
    if (temp -> data < 0) {


请注意,如果您将正确编写循环条件,则删除节点的数据成员 prev 或删除节点的数据成员 next 甚至两者都可以等于 NULL。在这种情况下,这些语句

        prev_node = temp -> prev;
        next_node = temp -> next;
        prev_node -> next = next_node;
        next_node -> prev = prev_node;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node *next;
    struct Node *prev;

struct List
    struct Node *head;
    struct Node *tail;

int push_back( struct List *list, int data )
    struct Node *new_node = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
    int success = new_node != NULL;

    if ( success )
        new_node->data = data;
        new_node->next = NULL;

        if ( list->head == NULL )
            new_node->prev = NULL;
            list->head = list->tail = new_node;
            new_node->prev = list->tail;
            list->tail = list->tail->next = new_node;

    return success;

void remove_if( struct List *list, int predicate( int ) )
    struct Node *prev = NULL;

    for ( struct Node **current = &list->head; *current != NULL; )
        if ( predicate( ( *current )->data ) )
            struct Node *tmp = *current;

            if ( ( *current )->next != NULL )
                ( *current )->next->prev = ( *current )->prev;

            *current = ( *current )->next;

            free( tmp );
            prev = *current;
            current = &( *current )->next;

    list->tail = prev;

void display( const struct List *list )
    for ( const struct Node *current = list->head; current != NULL; current = current->next )
        printf( "%d -> ", current->data );

    puts( "null" );

void display_reverse( const struct List *list )
    for ( const struct Node *current = list->tail; current != NULL; current = current->prev )
        printf( "%d -> ", current->data );

    puts( "null" );

int is_negative( int data )
    return data < 0;

int main(void) 
    struct List list = { .head = NULL, .tail = NULL };
    const size_t N = 10;

    srand( ( unsigned int )time( NULL ) );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        push_back( &list, rand() % N - N / 2 );

    display( &list );
    display_reverse( &list );
    putchar( '\n' );

    remove_if( &list, is_negative );

    display( &list );
    display_reverse( &list );
    putchar( '\n' );

    return 0;


2 -> 4 -> 3 -> -5 -> 3 -> -3 -> -3 -> -2 -> 0 -> 2 -> null
2 -> 0 -> -2 -> -3 -> -3 -> 3 -> -5 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> null

2 -> 4 -> 3 -> 3 -> 0 -> 2 -> null
2 -> 0 -> 3 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> null

查看来自莫斯科的 Vlad 的示例,以更好地了解您在做什么。


*Given a doubly linked lists with +ve and -ve key values.
*Write a function to delete all the nodes with negative key values.

首先:您正在制作一个(双向链接的)节点列表,而不是列表列表。称之为节点。另外,你可以做一个typedef来防止你一直写struct Node

struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
    struct Node* prev;

void append(struct Node** head, int value); // variable names aren't needed here
struct Node* findLastNode(struct Node** head);
void removeNegativeNodes(struct Node** head);
void removeNode(struct Node** head, struct Node* currNode);

int main(void)


    struct Node* head = NULL;
    struct Node* p; // temp-<p>ointer

    int n, value;
    printf("Enter the count of node :");
    scanf("%d", &n);

您只需要在 for 循环中使用 i,所以请保留它。

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        printf("Enter the value of node: ");
        scanf("%d", &value);

确保您的函数名称清楚,并告诉您它们的作用。 create() 会告诉我它创建了一个节点,但并不是说它也 append 是节点。

        append(&head, value);

    // this can be in a function! (A) printData
    p = head; // temp-<p>ointer
    printf("\nDoubly linked list is created and the list is as follows : \n");
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d <=> ", p->data);
        p = p->next;


    // this can be in a function! (B) printData
    printf("\nThe modified doubly linked list is : \n");
    p = head;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d <=> ", p->data);
        p = p->next;

struct Node* findLastNode(struct Node** head)
    struct Node* p = *head;
    if (p != NULL)
        while (p->next != NULL)
            p = p->next;
    return p;

因为你的头部要改变,所以你也必须传递头部的地址。另外,稍微拆分一下代码,这样您就可以更轻松地了解代码的结构。如果你的函数有 40 条规则,那么(准确)找出 bug 的原因将需要更长的时间。

void append(struct Node** head, int value)
    struct Node* lastNode = findLastNode(head);
    struct Node* nextNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    if (lastNode != NULL) {
        lastNode->next = nextNode;
        nextNode->prev = lastNode;
    else {
        *head = nextNode;
        nextNode->prev = NULL;
    nextNode->next = NULL;
    nextNode->data = value;

这里也是:第一个数字可以是负数,所以确保你可以通过它的地址访问 head 变量。此外,再次保持简单并将代码拆分为函数 removeNegativeNodes > removeNode.

void removeNegativeNodes(struct Node** head)
    struct Node* p = *head;
    struct Node* temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p->next;
        if (p->data < 0)
            removeNode(head, p);
        p = temp;

void removeNode(struct Node** head, struct Node* currNode)
    if (currNode->next != NULL)
        currNode->next->prev = currNode->prev;
    if (currNode->prev != NULL)
        currNode->prev->next = currNode->next;
        *head = currNode->next;
