
Finding solutions for a given pair (number of factors, number of prime factors)

我得到了xk,其中x是一个数的因数个数Ak是这个数A 的质因数。给定 xk,我必须找出这样的 A 是否存在。


INPUT : 4 2 

因为 6 是一个有 4 个因数 1, 2, 3, 6 的数,其中 2 个是质数 (2, 3)。 此外,xk 可以具有 1 到 109.



long long int x, k;
scanf("%lld%lld", &x, &k);

int ans = 0;

bool stop = false;

for (long long int numbers = 1; numbers < pow(10, 9) && !stop; numbers++) {
    long long int noOfFactors = 0, noOfPrimes = 0;
    for (long long int a = 1; a <= numbers && !stop; a++) {
        if (numbers % a == 0) {
            noOfFactors += 1;
            if ((isprime(a)) == 1) {
                noOfPrimes += 1;
     if (noOfFactors == x && noOfPrimes == k) {
         ans = 1;
         stop = true;
     } else
         ans = 0;
printf("%d\n", ans);

其中 isprime(x) returns 1 如果 x 是质数 否则 0.

但是在运行程序中,显示TLE错误。 谁能帮我优化这个算法,或者如果存在任何其他方法,你能给我解释一下吗? 如果您能帮助优化此算法或使用其他方法,我们将不胜感激。


  • 拒绝明显失败:如果 x < 2k <= 0x < k 答案是 0,无需进一步测试。
  • 不要混用浮点数和整数运算。使用 1000000000 而不是 pow(10, 9).
  • 内部循环可以比您更早地停止:仅 运行 它而 a * a < numbers 并为每个匹配添加 2 个除数。如果 a * a == numbers.
  • 添加另一个除数
  • 如果 noOfFactors > xnoOfPrimes > k 也停止内循环。

程序会 运行 更快,但它仍然不是正确的方法,因为解决方案 A 可能比整数类型的范围大得多。例如 x = 1000, k = 1 对于任何素数 p 都有无限多个解 A = p999。通过枚举找到这个解决方案是不可能的。

从数学上分析问题:具有 k 个质因数的数 A 的总因数是 (e1+1)(e2+1)...(ek+1 ),其中ei是其第i个素因数的幂,即:A = Prod(piei).

为了存在一个解决方案,x 必须是至少 k 个因素的乘积。分解循环的修改版本可以确定是否可以找到至少 k 个乘积等于 x 的因子。

这是一个使用这种方法的简单程序,一旦找到 k 个因素就会完成:

#include <stdio.h>

int test(unsigned int x, unsigned int k) {
    if (k == 0) {
        /* k is not supposed to be 0, but there is a single number A
           with no prime factors and a single factor: A = 1 */
        return x == 1;
    if (x > k && k > 1) {
        for (unsigned int p = 2; x / p >= p;) {
            if (x % p == 0) {
                x /= p;
                if (--k == 1)
            } else {
                /* skip to the next odd divisor */
                p += 1 + (p & 1);
    return k == 1 && x > 1;

int main() {
    unsigned int x, k;

    while (scanf("%u%u", &x, &k) == 2)
        printf("%d\n", test(x, k));

    return 0;


  • 不要像这样在 for 循环中调用函数

    for (long long int numbers = 1; numbers < pow(10, 9) && !stop; numbers++)

    pow 将在每次迭代时不必要地调用。在循环之前将每个常量保存到变量中。但在这种情况下,只需使用 numbers < 1e9

  • 要获得 n 的所有因子,您只需循环直到 sqrt(n)。你正在做 for (long long int a = 1; a <= numbers && !stop; a++) { if (numbers % a == 0) { 所以例如你需要 10 而不是只有 104 循环 108 ]8 循环。如果 numbers % a == 0 那么 anumbers/a 都是 numbers

  • 的因子

但这里真正的问题是你的算法有缺陷。如果你知道 A 的质因数及其指数,你就可以得到 A 的所有因数。如果 A = p1m p2n 。 .. pkp 则A将有以下因素:

  • p1i 因为 i = 1..m
  • p2i 因为 i = 1..n
  • ...
  • pki 对于 i = 1..p
  • 2个质因数的因数:p1ip2j,p1ip3j,... p1ipkj, p2ip3j, p2ip4j,. .. p2ipkj,. .. pk-1ipkj
  • 来自 3 个主要因素的因素...
  • 来自 k 个质因数的因数


p1,p2, p3, … pk是某个正整数n的质因数。由fundamental theorem of arithmeticn可以表示为p1 e1p2 e2p3 e3• ... p kek 对于一些正整数 e1, e2, e3, ... ek。此外,任何这样的正整数集合都以这种方式表示一个正整数。

n的每一个因子都可以表示为p1 f1p2 f2p3 f3• ... p kfk 对于某些整数 fi 其中 0 ≤ fie i.

每个fi可以有ei+1 值从 0 到 ei ,所以n的因子个数为(e1+1)•(e2+1)•(e 3+1)• … (ek+1).

由于每个 ei 必须为正数,因此每个 e i+1 必须至少为 2。现在我们可以看到,如果 nx 个因子,那么 x 可以表示为 k 个整数的乘积,每个整数至少为 2 . 相反,如果 x 可表示为 k 个整数的乘积,每个整数至少为 2,则该乘积为我们提供 e 的值i,这给了我们一个正整数 nx 个因子和 k 个质因子。

因此,当且仅当x 可表示为 k 个整数的乘积,每个整数至少为 2.

为了测试这一点,只需将 x 除以素数,例如,尽可能多地除以 2,没有余数,然后是 3,然后是 5,依此类推。一旦 x 除以 k−1 个因子并且结果大于 1,那么我们知道 x 可表示为 k 个整数的乘积,每个整数至少为 2(最后一个可能是合数而不是质数,例如 2•3•3•3•35)。如果 x 在除以 k−1 之前或刚好达到 1,则不存在这样的数字。


进一步思考,在检验x因子时,没有必要使用质数作为候选。我们可以简单地遍历整数,测试每个候选 f 是否是 x 的因子。尝试通过首先测试 f 是否为质数来过滤这些比简单地测试 f 是否是 x 的因数要花费更多时间。 (这并不是说一些更复杂的测试 x 的素数因子的方法,例如使用准备好的 table 许多素数,不会更快。)所以下面代码就够了。

#include <stdint.h>

/*  Return true if and only if there exists a positive integer A with exactly
    x factors and exactly k prime factors.
static _Bool DoesAExist(uintmax_t x, uintmax_t k)
    /*  The only positive integer with no prime factors is 1.  1 has exactly
        one factor.  So, if A must have no prime factors (k is zero), then an A
        exists if and only if x is one.
    if (k == 0) return x == 1;

    /*  A number with exactly one prime factor (say p) has at least two factors
        (1 and p) and can have any greater number of factors (p^2, p^3,...).
        So, if k is one, then an A exists if and only if x is greater than one.
    if (k == 1) return 1 < x;

    /*  Otherwise, an A exists only if x can be expressed as the product of
        exactly k factors greater than 1.  Test this by dividing x by factors
        greater than 1 until either we have divided by k-1 factors (so one
        more is needed) or we run out of possible factors.

        We start testing factors with two (f = 2).

        If we find k factors of x during the loop, we return true.

        Otherwise, we continue as long as there might be more factors.  (When
        f*f <= x is false, we have tested the current value of x by every
        integer from two to the square root of x.  Then x cannot have any more
        factors less than x, because if there is any factorization x = r*s,
        either r or s must be less than or equal to the square root of x.)

        For each f, as long as it is a factor of the current value of x and we
        need more factors, we divide x by it and decrement k to track the
        number of factors still required.
    for (uintmax_t f = 2; f*f <= x; ++f)
        while (x % f == 0)
            /*  As long as f is a factor of x, remove it from x and decrement
                the count of factors still needed.  If that number reaches one,

                    If the current value of x exceeds one, it serves as the
                    last factor, and an A exists, so we return true.

                    If the current value of x exceeds one, there is no
                    additional factor, but we still need one, so no A exists,
                    so we return false.
            x /= f;
            if (--k <= 1) return 1 < x;

    /*  At this point, we need k more factors for x, and k is greater than one
        but x is one or prime, so x does not have enough factors.  So no A with
        the required properties exists, and we return false.
    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("False test cases:\n");
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(0, 0));   //  False since each positive integer has at least one factor (1).
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2, 0));   //  False since no number has two factors and no prime factors.

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(0, 1));   //  False since each positive integer has at least one factor (1).
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(1, 1));   //  False since each positive integer with a prime factor has at least two factors (one and the prime).
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2, 2));   //  False since each number with two prime factors (p and q) has at least four factors (1, p, q, and pq).
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(3, 2));   //  False since each number with two prime factors (p and q) has at least four factors (1, p, q, and pq).

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(8, 4));

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(6, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(22, 3));

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(24, 5));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(88, 5));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(18, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(54, 5));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(242, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2662, 5));

    printf("True test cases:\n");
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(1, 0));   //  True since 1 has one factor and zero prime factors.
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2, 1));   //  True since each prime has two factors.
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(3, 1));   //  True since each square of a prime has three factors.
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(4, 1));   //  True since each cube of a prime has three factors.
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(4, 2));   //  True since each number that is the product of two primes (p and q) has four factors (1, p, q, and pq).

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(8, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(8, 3));

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(6, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(22, 2));

    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(24, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(24, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(24, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(88, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(88, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(88, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(18, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(18, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(54, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(54, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(54, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(242, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(242, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2662, 2));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2662, 3));
    printf("%d\n", DoesAExist(2662, 4));