popStack 弹出我没有push的数据(stack adt)

popStack pops out data that I didn't push (stack adt)

这是一个压入0和1并再次弹出1和0的代码。但是,它弹出 2 和 2。我似乎无法弄清楚为什么。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "stackADT.h"

int main (void)
  STACK* stack;
  int data;

  stack = createStack ();

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    printf("insert %d\n", i);
    pushStack (stack, &i);
    //printf("count: %d\n", stackCount (stack));
    //data = *(int*) popStack (stack);
    //printf("%d popped\n", data);

  while (!emptyStack (stack))

    data = *(int*) popStack (stack);
    printf("%d popped\n", data);


insert 0
insert 1
2 popped
2 popped

当我尝试 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) 时,会发生这种情况。

insert 0
insert 1
insert 2
insert 3
insert 4
5 popped
5 popped
5 popped
5 popped
5 popped

我附上 stackADT.h。(此代码来自数据结构:Richard F. Gilbert 和 Behrouz A. Forouzan 的 C 伪代码方法)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// Structure Declarations
typedef struct node
  void* dataPtr;
  struct node* link;

typedef struct
  int count;
  STACK_NODE* top;
  } STACK;

// Prototype Declarations
STACK* createStack (void);
bool pushStack (STACK* stack, void* dataInPtr);
void* popStack (STACK* stack);
void* stackTop (STACK* stack);
bool emptyStack (STACK* stack);
bool fullStack (STACK* stack);
int stackCount (STACK* stack);
STACK* destroyStack (STACK* stack);

/* =============== createStack ==================
  Creates an empty stack
    Pre Nothing
    Post Returns pointer to a null stack
      -or- NULL if overflow
STACK* createStack (void)
  // Local Declarations
  STACK* stack;

  // Statements
  stack = (STACK*) malloc(sizeof (STACK));
  if (stack)
      stack->count = 0;
      stack->top = NULL;
    } // if

  return stack;
} // createStack

/* ================ pushStack =================
    Pre stack: STACK*
        dataInPtr: data* to be inserted

    Post data inserted into stack
    Return true if successful; flase if underflow

bool pushStack (STACK* stack, void* dataInPtr)
  // Local Declarations
  STACK_NODE* newPtr;

  // Statements
  newPtr = (STACK_NODE*) malloc(sizeof(STACK_NODE));
  if (!newPtr)
    return false;

  newPtr->dataPtr = dataInPtr;
  newPtr->link = stack->top;
  stack->top = newPtr;

  return true;
} // pushStack

/* ================ popStack ====================

void* popStack (STACK* stack)
  //Local Definitions
  void* dataOutPtr;
  STACK_NODE* temp;

  if (stack->count == 0)
    dataOutPtr = NULL;
      temp = stack->top;
      dataOutPtr = stack->top->dataPtr;
      stack->top = stack->top->link;
  return dataOutPtr;

/* ================ stackTop =========================

void* stackTop (STACK* stack)
  //Local Definitions
  if (stack->count == 0)
    return NULL;
    return stack->top->dataPtr;
} // stackTop

/* ================== emptyStack =====================
  returns: 1 if the stack is empty; 0 otherwise
bool emptyStack (STACK* stack)
  // Statements
  return (stack->count == 0);
} // emptyStack

/* ================= fullStack =======================
  determines if a stack is full
  Full == heap full

  returns: true if heap full; false otherwise
bool fullStack (STACK* stack)
  // local definitions
  STACK_NODE* temp;
  // statements
  if ((temp =
    (STACK_NODE*) malloc(sizeof(*(stack->top)))))
      return false;
    } //if
  // malloc failed
  return true;
} // fullStack

/* ============== stackCount ====================
  returns: int, stack count
int stackCount (STACK* stack)
  return stack->count;

/* ============== destroyStack ===================
    release all nodes to the heap
  returns: null pointer
STACK* destroyStack (STACK* stack)
  //local definitions
  STACK_NODE* temp;
  if (stack)
      //Delete all nodes in stack
      while (stack->top != NULL)

          temp = stack->top;
          stack->top = stack->top->link;
        } // while
      // Stack now empty. Destroy stack head node.
  return NULL;
} // destoryStack

和我的 gcc 版本。

$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
Thread model: posix
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    pushStack (stack, &i);  // Push address of i

您正在推送 i 的(相同)地址两次。循环结束后包含 2。当你弹出时,你得到包含 2 的地址,因此两次输出都是 2

+----+    &i
| &i |\  +----+
+----+ \ | 02 |
| &i | / +----+


  • 不存储地址,而是创建一个新节点并复制要推送的地址内容。
  • 存储数据而不是指针。