为复选框添加选定的期权价格 - 使用 Svelte
Adding Selected Option Prices for Checkboxes - Using Svelte
我正在尝试在选中和取消选中复选框时更新总数(以防用户改变主意不再想要该项目)。但我不确定如何获得分配给每个玩具的实际价值。例如:如果用户选择玩具 1 和 3,他们应该会看到:您订购了玩具 1、玩具 3,总价为 6.00 美元。现在我用名称本身分配了值,这不是我想要的,但我只是把它用来展示我正在尝试做的事情。他们是我应该使用的其他东西来实际执行操作以获得总数吗?
let toylist = [];
let toynames = [
'Toy1 5.00',
'Toy2 5.00',
'Toy3 1.00',
function join(toylist) {
return toylist.join(', ');
{#each toynames as toy}
<input type=checkbox bind:group={toylist} value={toy}> {toy}
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {toylist.join(', ')} and your total is
隔离每个玩具价格的最佳方法是将您的玩具数组变成对象数组,其中 'name' 是一个键值对,另一个是定价。对于操作数据,如果每个玩具都有一个 id 将会很有帮助,并且我已经为每个玩具添加了一个 'selected' 布尔值,如果它们被添加到 "toylist" 或从 "toylist" 中删除则更新。我还添加了一个 'total' 变量来保存所选玩具的总价格。
let toylist = [];
let toys = [
{id: 1, name: 'Toy 1', price: 5.00, selected: false},
{id: 2, name: 'Toy 2', price: 5.00, selected: false},
{id: 3, name: 'Toy 3', price: 1.00, selected: false}
let total = 0.00
function join(toy) {
if(toy.selected === false) {
toylist = [...toylist, toy.name]
total = total+toy.price
let i = toys.findIndex(t => t.id === toy.id)
toys[i].selected = true
toys = toys
} else {
total = total-toy.price
let i = toys.findIndex(t => t.id === toy.id)
let i2 = toylist.findIndex(t => t === toy.name)
toylist.splice(i2, 1)
toylist = toylist
toys[i].selected = false
toys = toys
{#each toys as toy}
{toy.name}: ${toy.price} <button on:click="{() => join(toy)}" value={toy.name}>{toy.selected ? 'remove' : 'add'}</button>
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {toylist} and your total is ${total}
好的,首先你应该将 toynames 数组分成一个名称和值的数组。然后你应该绑定到输入的检查属性。
两者都通过查看玩具列表数组中选定的 属性 对象来工作。由于我们对 checked 属性的绑定,此更新。我创建了一个 repl 供您玩弄 ;-)
let toylist = [
{name: "Toy", value: 5, selected: false},
{name: "Elephant", value: 6, selected: false},
{name: "Choo-Choo", value: 1, selected: false}
$: total = {
names: toylist.reduce((acc, cV) => {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return [...acc, cV.name];
} else return [...acc];
}, []),
values: toylist.reduce((acc, cV) => {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return parseInt(acc) + parseInt(cV.value);
} else return parseInt(acc);
}, 0)
{#each toylist as {name,value, selected}}
<input type=checkbox bind:checked={selected} bind:value={value}> {name}
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {total.names.length < 1 ? "nothing": total.names} and your total is {total.values}
$: total = {
names: toylist.reduce(function(acc, cV) {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return [...acc, cV.name];
} else return [...acc];
}, []),
values: toylist.reduce(function(acc, cV) {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return parseInt(acc) + parseInt(cV.value);
} else return parseInt(acc);
}, 0)
这里没有 ?运算符:
function renderNames() {
if (total.names.length < 1) {
return "nothing";
} else {
return total.names;
<p>You ordered {renderNames()} and your total is {total.values}</p>
我正在尝试在选中和取消选中复选框时更新总数(以防用户改变主意不再想要该项目)。但我不确定如何获得分配给每个玩具的实际价值。例如:如果用户选择玩具 1 和 3,他们应该会看到:您订购了玩具 1、玩具 3,总价为 6.00 美元。现在我用名称本身分配了值,这不是我想要的,但我只是把它用来展示我正在尝试做的事情。他们是我应该使用的其他东西来实际执行操作以获得总数吗?
let toylist = [];
let toynames = [
'Toy1 5.00',
'Toy2 5.00',
'Toy3 1.00',
function join(toylist) {
return toylist.join(', ');
{#each toynames as toy}
<input type=checkbox bind:group={toylist} value={toy}> {toy}
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {toylist.join(', ')} and your total is
隔离每个玩具价格的最佳方法是将您的玩具数组变成对象数组,其中 'name' 是一个键值对,另一个是定价。对于操作数据,如果每个玩具都有一个 id 将会很有帮助,并且我已经为每个玩具添加了一个 'selected' 布尔值,如果它们被添加到 "toylist" 或从 "toylist" 中删除则更新。我还添加了一个 'total' 变量来保存所选玩具的总价格。
let toylist = [];
let toys = [
{id: 1, name: 'Toy 1', price: 5.00, selected: false},
{id: 2, name: 'Toy 2', price: 5.00, selected: false},
{id: 3, name: 'Toy 3', price: 1.00, selected: false}
let total = 0.00
function join(toy) {
if(toy.selected === false) {
toylist = [...toylist, toy.name]
total = total+toy.price
let i = toys.findIndex(t => t.id === toy.id)
toys[i].selected = true
toys = toys
} else {
total = total-toy.price
let i = toys.findIndex(t => t.id === toy.id)
let i2 = toylist.findIndex(t => t === toy.name)
toylist.splice(i2, 1)
toylist = toylist
toys[i].selected = false
toys = toys
{#each toys as toy}
{toy.name}: ${toy.price} <button on:click="{() => join(toy)}" value={toy.name}>{toy.selected ? 'remove' : 'add'}</button>
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {toylist} and your total is ${total}
好的,首先你应该将 toynames 数组分成一个名称和值的数组。然后你应该绑定到输入的检查属性。
两者都通过查看玩具列表数组中选定的 属性 对象来工作。由于我们对 checked 属性的绑定,此更新。我创建了一个 repl 供您玩弄 ;-)
let toylist = [
{name: "Toy", value: 5, selected: false},
{name: "Elephant", value: 6, selected: false},
{name: "Choo-Choo", value: 1, selected: false}
$: total = {
names: toylist.reduce((acc, cV) => {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return [...acc, cV.name];
} else return [...acc];
}, []),
values: toylist.reduce((acc, cV) => {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return parseInt(acc) + parseInt(cV.value);
} else return parseInt(acc);
}, 0)
{#each toylist as {name,value, selected}}
<input type=checkbox bind:checked={selected} bind:value={value}> {name}
{#if toylist.length === 0}
<p>Pick at least one toy</p>
You ordered {total.names.length < 1 ? "nothing": total.names} and your total is {total.values}
编辑: 这是具有更多经典语法的总函数:
$: total = {
names: toylist.reduce(function(acc, cV) {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return [...acc, cV.name];
} else return [...acc];
}, []),
values: toylist.reduce(function(acc, cV) {
if (cV && cV.selected) {
return parseInt(acc) + parseInt(cV.value);
} else return parseInt(acc);
}, 0)
这里没有 ?运算符:
function renderNames() {
if (total.names.length < 1) {
return "nothing";
} else {
return total.names;
<p>You ordered {renderNames()} and your total is {total.values}</p>