SwiftUI,为什么部分视图没有刷新? @State 变量不更新

SwiftUI, why a part of the view did not refresh? @State variable not updating

这是对我在 SwiftUI 代码中遇到的问题的再现。假设有一个设备列表,并且每个设备都有一些连接信息(启用或不启用)。

使用 SwiftUI 中的经典列表,对于每个设备,都会显示一个 DeviceView。 为了方便起见,我想在顶部添加几个箭头,以便在设备之间切换而不必每次都返回列表(理解,就像 iOS 中的 Mail 应用程序)。 因此,我没有从列表中调用 DeviceView,而是在调用存储当前设备信息的 MotherDeviceView 之前。当我点击顶部的箭头时,MotherDeviceView 再次调用 DeviceView 并更新视图。

struct Device: Identifiable {
    var id = Int()
    var deviceName = String()

    var isWifiOn = Bool()
    var isCellularOn = Bool()
    var isBluetoothOn = Bool()

let devices: [Device] = [
    Device(id: 0, deviceName: "iPhone", isWifiOn: true, isCellularOn: false, isBluetoothOn: true),
    Device(id: 1, deviceName: "iPod", isWifiOn: false, isCellularOn: false, isBluetoothOn: true),
    Device(id: 2, deviceName: "iPad", isWifiOn: false, isCellularOn: true, isBluetoothOn: false)

// main view, with list of devices
struct DeviceTab: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(devices) { device in
                NavigationLink(destination: MotherDeviceView(device: device)){

// the list call this view and pass the device to DeviceView.
// Using this view is possible to go to the other device using the arrows on the top
// without returning to the list
struct MotherDeviceView: View {
    @State var device: Device

    var body: some View {
            DeviceView(device: $device)
        .navigationBarItems(trailing: arrows)

    private var arrows: some View {
            Button(action: { self.previous() },
                    label: { Image(systemName: "chevron.up") } )
                .padding(.horizontal, 10)
            Button(action: { self.next() },
                   label: { Image(systemName: "chevron.down") } )

    func previous() {
        if device.id == 0 { return }
        device = devices[device.id - 1]

    func next() {
        if device.id == 2 { return }
        device = devices[device.id + 1]


// DeviceView
struct DeviceView: View {
    @Binding var device: Device

    var body: some View {
            Text("This is the device number: " + String(device.id))
            ToggleSection(dev: $device)

// Toggle part of DeviceView
struct ToggleSection: View {
    @Binding var dev: Device

    @State var toggleOn: [Bool] = [false, false, false]

    var body: some View {



            Toggle(isOn: $toggleOn[0], label: { Text("Wifi") } )

            Toggle(isOn: $toggleOn[1], label: { Text("Cellular") } )

            Toggle(isOn: $toggleOn[2], label: { Text("Bluetooth") } )

        .onAppear{ self.initialConfigToggle() }
        // with onAppear is okay, but when I use the top arrows, this section does not update

    private func initialConfigToggle() {
        self.toggleOn[0] = self.dev.isWifiOn
        self.toggleOn[1] = self.dev.isCellularOn
        self.toggleOn[2] = self.dev.isBluetoothOn


但是DeviceView里面有一个区段ToggleSection不会更新,不知道怎么解决。 也许强制更新?但我认为这不是正确的答案(但我什至不知道如何强制更新)。

我认为如果在 ToggleSection 中有 @Binding 而不是 @State 可能是正确的答案,但这不起作用。 此示例将起作用(除了未更新的切换)



测试 Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4


import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct Device: Identifiable {
    var id = Int()
    var deviceName = String()

    var isWifiOn = Bool()
    var isCellularOn = Bool()
    var isBluetoothOn = Bool()

class DeviceStorage: ObservableObject {
    @Published var devices: [Device] = [
        Device(id: 0, deviceName: "iPhone", isWifiOn: true, isCellularOn: false, isBluetoothOn: true),
        Device(id: 1, deviceName: "iPod", isWifiOn: false, isCellularOn: false, isBluetoothOn: true),
        Device(id: 2, deviceName: "iPad", isWifiOn: false, isCellularOn: true, isBluetoothOn: false)

// main view, with list of devices
struct DeviceTab: View {
    @ObservedObject var vm = DeviceStorage() // for demo, can be injected via init
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(Array(vm.devices.enumerated()), id: \.element.id) { i, device in
                    NavigationLink(destination: MotherDeviceView(vm: self.vm, selectedDevice: i)) {

struct MotherDeviceView: View {
    @ObservedObject var vm: DeviceStorage // reference type, so have same
    @State private var selected: Int      // selection index

    init(vm: DeviceStorage, selectedDevice: Int) {
        self.vm = vm
        self._selected = State<Int>(initialValue: selectedDevice)

    var body: some View {
            DeviceView(device: $vm.devices[selected]) // bind to selected
        .navigationBarItems(trailing: arrows)

    private var arrows: some View {
            Button(action: { self.previous() },
                    label: { Image(systemName: "chevron.up") } )
                .padding(.horizontal, 10)
            Button(action: { self.next() },
                   label: { Image(systemName: "chevron.down") } )

    func previous() {
        if vm.devices[selected].id == 0 { return }
        selected -= 1                              // change selection

    func next() {
        if vm.devices[selected].id == 2 { return }
        selected += 1                              // change selection


// DeviceView
struct DeviceView: View {
    @Binding var device: Device

    var body: some View {
            Text("This is the device number: " + String(device.id))
            ToggleSection(dev: $device)

// Toggle part of DeviceView
struct ToggleSection: View {
    @Binding var dev: Device

    var body: some View {



            // all below bound directly to model !!!

            Toggle(isOn: $dev.isWifiOn, label: { Text("Wifi") } )

            Toggle(isOn: $dev.isCellularOn, label: { Text("Cellular") } )

            Toggle(isOn: $dev.isBluetoothOn, label: { Text("Bluetooth") } )
