如何在 Taurus 报告控制台视图中添加滚动以便显示完整的详细信息

How to add scroll in taurus reporting console view so that full details will be displayed

正在使用 Taurus 报告工具执行我的 JMeter 测试脚本。由于固定 space,我有许多 HTTP 请求在报告中不可见。我如何添加滚动条以便所有细节都可见。心理急救

谢谢Not showing details fully in the report because of the screen size

根据Taurus documentation

On Windows, Console Screen is shown in separate window and users may change font size by holding Ctrl key and using mouse wheel. Two additional options are dummy-cols and dummy-rows, they affect the size of dummy screen that is used by dummy screen.

因此您可以通过按住 Control 键并滚动鼠标滚轮来放大和缩小 forth/back 或提供具有所需屏幕高度的 dummy-rows 属性 值,例如:

bzt -o modules.console.dummy-rows=150 ....

更多信息Navigating your First Steps Using Taurus