如何使用基于字段值选择的异构委托制作 QtQuick TableView / TreeView

how to make QtQuick TableView / TreeView with heterogeneous delegate chosen based on field value

如何制作一个 TableView 或 TreeView,并根据另一个单元格的值选择单元格委托?

想法是制作一个类似于这样的 属性 编辑器:


但是DelegateChooser只能选择基于列或者基于角色值。 None 个适用于上述用例。


model: TableModel {
    TableModelColumn { display: "name" }
    TableModelColumn { display: "value" }
    rows: [
            name: "Name",
            type: "string",
            value: "Alfred"
            name: "Amount",
            type: "float",
            value: 3.75
            name: "Enabled",
            type: "bool",
            value: true
            name: "Count",
            type: "int",
            value: 2
            name: "Color",
            type: "color",
            value: "#3300ff"

显示 2 列 table 视图,其中第二列中的委托是根据 type.


甚至选择 name 角色(这是一个次优的解决方案,因为每种类型会有很多属性,每个 DelegateChoice 应该匹配多个名称)不工作:

delegate: DelegateChooser {
    role: "name"
    DelegateChoice {
        roleValue: "Enabled"
        delegate: CheckBox {
            checked: model.display
            onToggled: model.display = checked
    DelegateChoice {
        roleValue: "Count"
        delegate: SpinBox {
            value: model.display
            onValueModified: model.display = value
    DelegateChoice {
        delegate: TextField {
            text: model.display
            selectByMouse: true
            implicitWidth: 140
            onAccepted: model.display = text


As model manipulation in Qt is done via row and column indices, and because object keys are unordered, each column must be specified via TableModelColumn. This allows mapping Qt's built-in roles to any property in each row object...


import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0

Window {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("Properties table")

    TableView {
        anchors.fill: parent

        model: TableModel {
            TableModelColumn {
                display: "name"
                decoration: function() { return "";}
            TableModelColumn {
                display: "value"
                decoration: "type"
            rows: [
                    name: "Name",
                    type: "string",
                    value: "Alfred"
                    name: "Enabled",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true
                    name: "Count",
                    type: "int",
                    value: 2

        delegate: DelegateChooser {
            role: "decoration"
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: "string"
                delegate: TextField {
                    text: model.display
                    selectByMouse: true
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: "int"
                delegate: SpinBox {
                    value: model.display
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: "bool"
                delegate: CheckBox {
                    checked: model.display
            DelegateChoice {
                delegate: Rectangle {
                    color: "beige"
                    implicitWidth: textLabel.width + 10
                    implicitHeight: textLabel.height
                    Text {
                        id: textLabel
                        anchors.centerIn: parent
                        text: model.display

但是,我认为更好的解决方案是定义一个继承自 QAbstractTableModel 的自定义 PropertiesTableModel:


#pragma once

#include <QAbstractTableModel>

class PropertiesTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel

    enum PropertyType {

    struct Property {
        QString name;
        QVariant value;
        PropertyType type;

    enum CustomRoles {
        NameRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,

    PropertiesTableModel(QObject *parent = nullptr) {
        m_properties.append({"String prop", "StringProperty", PropertyType::String});
        m_properties.append({"Int prop", 55, PropertyType::Integer});
        m_properties.append({"Bool prop", true, PropertyType::Boolean});

    int rowCount(const QModelIndex & = QModelIndex()) const override
        return m_properties.size();

    int columnCount(const QModelIndex & = QModelIndex()) const override
        return 2;

    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override
        auto& property = m_properties.at(index.row());
        switch (role) {
            case CustomRoles::NameRole:
                return property.name;
            case CustomRoles::TypeRole:
                if (index.column() > 0)
                    return property.type;
                    return -1;
            case CustomRoles::ValueRole:
                return property.value;

        return QVariant();

    QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override
        QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
        roles[NameRole] = "name";
        roles[ValueRole] = "value";
        roles[TypeRole] = "type";
        return roles;
    QVector<Property> m_properties;


import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0

import MyLib 1.0

Window {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("Properties table")

    TableView {
        anchors.fill: parent

        model: PropertiesModel {}

        delegate: DelegateChooser {
            role: "type"
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: PropertiesModel.String
                delegate: TextField {
                    text: model.value
                    selectByMouse: true
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: PropertiesModel.Integer
                delegate: SpinBox {
                    value: model.value
            DelegateChoice {
                roleValue: PropertiesModel.Boolean
                delegate: CheckBox {
                    checked: model.value
            DelegateChoice {
                delegate: Rectangle {
                    color: "beige"
                    implicitWidth: textLabel.width + 10
                    implicitHeight: textLabel.height
                    Text {
                        id: textLabel
                        anchors.centerIn: parent
                        text: model.name


qmlRegisterType<PropertiesTableModel>("MyLib", 1, 0, "PropertiesModel");