如何在 Java 6 中做 Collectors.groupingBy 等价?

How to do Collectors.groupingBy equivalent in Java 6?

每个 UserVO 都有一个 getCountry()

我想根据 getCountry()

List<UserVO> 进行分组

我可以通过流来完成,但我必须在 Java6


这是在 Java8。我想要这个 Java6

Map<String, List<UserVO>> studentsByCountry
= resultList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(UserVO::getCountry));

for (Map.Entry<String, List<UserVO>> entry: studentsByCountry.entrySet())
    System.out.println("Student with country = " + entry.getKey() + " value are " + entry.getValue());

我想要像这样的输出 Map<String, List<UserVO>>:

CountryA - UserA, UserB, UserC
CountryB - UserM, User
CountryC - UserX, UserY

编辑:我可以进一步重新安排这个 Map 以便我根据国家/地区的显示顺序显示。显示顺序为countryC=1, countryB=2 & countryA=3


CountryC - UserX, UserY
CountryB - UserM, User
CountryA - UserA, UserB, UserC

这就是您使用普通 Java 的方式。请注意 Java 6 不支持菱形运算符,因此您一直明确使用 <String, List<UserVO>>

Map<String, List<UserVO>> studentsByCountry = new HashMap<String, List<UserVO>>();
for (UserVO student: resultList) {
  String country = student.getCountry();
  List<UserVO> studentsOfCountry = studentsByCountry.get(country);
  if (studentsOfCountry == null) {
    studentsOfCountry = new ArrayList<UserVO>();
    studentsByCountry.put(country, studentsOfCountry);

流更短,对吧?所以尝试升级到Java 8!


Map<String,List<UserVO>> studentsByCountry = new TreeMap<String,List<UserVO>>(Collections.reverseOrder());