让 redux-auth-wrapper 等待会话检查

Make redux-auth-wrapper wait until session checked

所以这是我的 auth.js 代码:

import locationHelperBuilder from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/locationHelper';
import { connectedRouterRedirect } from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/redirect';
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';

// import Spinner from '../components/layout/Spinner';

const locationHelper = locationHelperBuilder({});

export const UserIsAdmin = connectedRouterRedirect({
  wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAdmin',
//   AuthenticatingComponent: Spinner,
  redirectPath: (state, ownProps) => 
    locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/',
  allowRedirectBack: true,
  authenticatedSelector: state => state.user.isAuthenticated && state.user.isAdmin

export const UserIsAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
  wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAuthenticated',
//   AuthenticatingComponent: Spinner,
  redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
    locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/',
  allowRedirectBack: true,
  authenticatedSelector: state => state.user.isAuthenticated

export const UserIsNotAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
  wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsNotAuthenticated',
//   AuthenticatingComponent: Spinner,
  redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
    locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/',
  allowRedirectBack: true,
  authenticatedSelector: state => !state.user.isAuthenticated

这里是我需要让 redux-auth-wrapper 等待,直到我用用户数据更新状态,以便在刷新页面之前将他发送到他所在的任何地方:

const MainRoutes = ( { cookies } ) => {
    // state
    const { isAuthenticated } = useSelector( state => state.user );

    // dispatch
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const login = () => dispatch( loginAction() );
    const logout = () => dispatch( logoutAction() );

    // check if session is active ( cookie ) 
    useEffect(() => {
        if( !isAuthenticated ) {

            const checkSession = async () => {
                const cookie = cookies.get('token');
                if( cookie && cookie.trim() !== '' ) {
                    axiosClient.defaults.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${ cookie }`;
                } else logout();


        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
    }, [ cookies, isAuthenticated ]);

    return (  
            <Route exact path="/" component={ Courses } />

            <Route path="/admin" component={  UserIsAdmin( Admin )  } />
            <Route path="/profile" component={  UserIsAuthenticated( Profile )  } />

            <Route exact path="/login" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Login ) } />
            <Route exact path="/signin" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Signin ) } />
            <Route exact path="/send-email" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Email ) } />
            <Route exact path="/recover" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Recover ) } />

            <Route exact path="/policy" component={ Policy } />
            <Route exact path="/usage" component={ Usage } />
            <Route exact path="/faqs" component={ FAQS } />

export default withRouter(withCookies(MainRoutes));

基本上我检查是否存在会话 cookie,所以我自动让用户登录。问题是,当我转到某个路由时(例如:/admin,它受到保护,因此受到监督通过 redux-auth.wrapper),我刷新页面,它总是将我发送回 '/',因为在我的 MainRoutes 组件可以让用户登录之前完成了 isAuthenticated 和 isAdmin 的检查,这当然失败了检查 auth.js 的经过身份验证的选择器,并将我发送到“/”。我解决这个问题的第一个想法是将这 2 个标志存储在 localStorage 中,因此即使我的用户没有完成登录,我也会被驱动到以前的路径。但我想知道是否有任何方法可以专门对 redux 说-auth-wrapper,等待我的 useEffect 函数完成。



But I was wondering if there is any way to specificaly say to redux-auth-wrapper, to wait until my useEffect function has finished.

注意:该解决方案并非特定于 redux-auth-wrapper。

const MainRoutes = ( { cookies } ) => {

    const { isAuthenticated } = useSelector( state => state.user );

    /* use a state to hold the render */
    const [isFirstRender, setFirstRender] = useState(true)

    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const login = () => dispatch( loginAction() );
    const logout = () => dispatch( logoutAction() );

    /* after the first render the user should be logged in (if previously was) */
    useEffect(() => {
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
        if( !isAuthenticated ) {

            const checkSession = async () => {
                const cookie = cookies.get('token');
                if( cookie && cookie.trim() !== '' ) {
                    axiosClient.defaults.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${ cookie }`;
                } else logout();


        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
    }, [ cookies, isAuthenticated ]);

    /* If the effect checking the auth runs fast you can leave 
    the return as this, otherwise you might want to show a loading 
    indicator */
    return (
            {!isFirstRender &&
                    <Route exact path="/" component={ Courses } />
                    <Route path="/admin" component={  UserIsAdmin( Admin )  } />
                    <Route path="/profile" component={  UserIsAuthenticated( Profile )  } />
                    <Route exact path="/login" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Login ) } />
                    <Route exact path="/signin" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Signin ) } />
                    <Route exact path="/send-email" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Email ) } />
                    <Route exact path="/recover" component={ UserIsNotAuthenticated( Recover ) } />
                    <Route exact path="/policy" component={ Policy } />
                    <Route exact path="/usage" component={ Usage } />
                    <Route exact path="/faqs" component={ FAQS } />

export default withRouter(withCookies(MainRoutes));

您可以使用 属性 authenticatingSelector 推迟重定向,直到您准备好。它告诉你的 connectedRouterRedirect 对象你正在做身份验证的事情,它需要等待它。

const UserIsAdmin = connectedRouterRedirect({
   wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAdmin',
   redirectPath: /* ... */,
   allowRedirectBack: true,
   authenticatedSelector: state => state.user.isAuthenticated && state.user.isAdmin,
   authenticatingSelector: state => state.user.isLoading


useEffect(() => {
   // You can either use an async here or just bake the dispatch call into your "doSomething" method.
   (async () => {
      await doSomething();
      dispatch(setLoadingStatus({ isLoading: false }));
}, [/* your dependencies here */]);

当然需要您将 属性 添加到 user redux 状态,即。 user.isLoading 或任何您想命名的名称,其默认值为 true。