要求 gpt-2 用 huggingface 变形金刚完成句子

Asking gpt-2 to finish sentence with huggingface transformers

我目前正在使用带有 gpt-2 的 huggingface transformers 库的示例脚本 run_generation.py 从左侧上下文生成文本:

$ python transformers/examples/run_generation.py \
  --model_type gpt2 \
  --model_name_or_path gpt2 \
  --prompt "Hi, " --length 5

Hi,  could anyone please inform me

我想生成简短的完整句子。有没有办法告诉模型在 length 个单词之前完成一个句子?


很遗憾,没有办法这样做。您可以将 length 参数设置为更大的值,然后在最后丢弃不完整的部分。

甚至 GPT3 也不支持在特定 length 之前完成一个句子。不过 GPT3 支持“序列”。当满足特定条件时,序列会强制模型停止。您可以在 article



model_name is the model name, such as "124M" or "345M" and relies on 
• models_dir defines the directory containing the models.
• seed sets a random integer for random generators. The seed can be set to 
reproduce results.
• nsamples is the number of samples to return. If it is set to 0, it will continue 
to generate samples until you double-click on the run button of the cell or 
press Ctrl + M.
• batch_size determines the size of a batch and has an impact on memory 
and speed.
• length is the number of tokens of generated text. If set to none, it relies on 
the hyperparameters of the model.
• temperature determines the level of Boltzmann distributions. If the 
temperature is high, the completions will be more random. If the temperature 
is low, the results will become more deterministic.
• top_k controls the number of tokens taken into consideration by Top-k at 
each step. 0 means no restrictions. 40 is the recommended value.
• top_p controls Top-p
