如何在 Grails 单元测试中使用 Spock 模拟 passwordEncoder

How to mock passwordEncoder using Spock in a Grails unit test

我可以使用一些关于如何模拟 Grails 单元测试中使用的自动连接依赖项的建议。我已经省略了大部分不必要的代码,只给出了测试 class 和文件 class 下的相关方法 test

class UserService {

    def springSecurityService // spring bean
    def passwordEncoder // auto wired as per 
    //       bcrypt-algorithm


    def passwordPreviouslyUsed(String newPassword, def userId){
        def passwordExists = false
        def usersPasswords = findPasswordsForUser(userId)
        usersPasswords.each{ password ->
            if (passwordEncoder.isPasswordValid(oldPassword, newPassword, null)) {
                passwordExists = true
        return passwordExists

    def findPasswordsForUser(def userId){
        User foundUser = User.findById(userId)
        def passwordsForUser = UserPasswords.createCriteria().list {
            eq('user', foundUser) 


class UserServiceSpec extends Specification implements DataTest, ServiceUnitTest<UserService> {

    def passwordEncoder
    def setupSpec() {
        mockDomains User, UserPasswords

    def setup() {
        def stubPasswordEncoder =  Stub(passwordEncoder) {
            isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
         service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder

    void "test for user passwordPreviouslyUsed"() {
        given: "a user already exists"
        service.createNewUser("testName", "testy@test.com", "Secret1234" )
        //^(does some validation, then User.save())
        User foundUser = User.findByEmail("testy@test.com")
        foundUser.fullName == "testName"
        long testUserId = foundUser.id

        and: "we update the password for that user, and it to the userPasswords"
        UserPasswords newUserPassword = new UserPasswords(
            user: foundUser,
            password: "newPassword1"

        //use passwordPreviouslyUsed method to check a string with the same value as the 
        //updated password to check if it has already been used
        when: "we check if the password has been used before"

        def response = service.passwordPreviouslyUsed("newPassword1", fundsyId)

        response == true

没有对这个依赖进行 stubbing 或 mocking,我得到了错误

Cannot invoke method isPasswordValid() on null object

我尝试存根密码编码器并得到它 return true

def stubPasswordEncoder =  Stub(passwordEncoder) {
    isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
 service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder


Stub in 'spock.mock.MockingApi' cannot be applied to         '(java.lang.Object, groovy.lang.Closure)'

有什么方法可以用 Spock 来模拟这种依赖关系吗?

Stub 和 Mock 接受一个 class - 你给它一个空的实例 - 因此是例外。


def mockPasswordEncoder = Mock(PasswordEncoder) 
// note this is the class 
// org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder

我尝试了 enrichelgeson 的方法,它奏效了! 我先导入了PasswordEncoder来测试class

import org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder

然后执行正常的模拟程序。我最初感到困惑,因为他们 class 在测试中只是通过定义隐式地创建了 class 的实例。

def stubPasswordEncoder =  Stub(PasswordEncoder) {
        isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
    service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder


service.passwordEncoder = [ isPasswordValid: { String rawPass, String salt, Null -> true } ]
