Inversify 的分层 DI 如何工作?

How does Inversify's hierarchical DI work?

inversify-express-utils 自述文件包含以下内容 example on request-scoped services

我正在尝试为 Koa 应用程序实现类似的东西,但是,我很难理解此示例中的分层 DI 是如何工作的。

import { inject, injectable } from "inversify";
import { BaseHttpController, BaseMiddleware, controller, httpGet } from "inversify-express-utils";
import * as express from "express";

const TYPES = {
    TraceId: Symbol.for("TraceIdValue"),
    TracingMiddleware: Symbol.for("TracingMiddleware"),
    Service: Symbol.for("Service"),

class TracingMiddleware extends BaseMiddleware {

    public handler(
        req: express.Request,
        res: express.Response,
        next: express.NextFunction
    ) {
            .toConstantValue(`${ req.header('X-Trace-Id') }`);


class TracingTestController extends BaseHttpController {

    constructor(@inject(TYPES.Service) private readonly service: Service) {

    public getTest() {
        return this.service.doSomethingThatRequiresTheTraceID();

class Service {
    constructor(@inject(TYPES.TraceIdValue) private readonly traceID: string) {

    public doSomethingThatRequiresTheTraceID() {
        // ...

通过阅读文档和代码,我了解到 each Express request handler has a HttpContext attached to it, which in turn has a child DI container attached

该示例表明 Service class 的 traceID 依赖项已从 Express 请求中附加到 httpContext 的子容器中解析。

但是,我不明白如何确保 traceID 是从子容器而不是父容器或根容器解析的?

magic line of code

httpContext.container.getNamed<any>(TYPE.Controller, controllerName)[key](...args)

这里是从子容器解析控制器的地方,因此 traceId 依赖项也是从子容器解析的。