为什么 type of computed 属性 Ref<readonly string[]>?

Why is type of computed property Ref<readonly string[]>?

type Items = string[]
const list = ref<Items>([])

const items = computed({
  get: () => list.value,
  set: (items: Items) => {
    list.value = items

这是我用 setter 计算得出的 属性。我的问题是:为什么我提供 setter 时返回 Ref<readonly string[]>?我希望项目的类型为 Ref<string[]>

The documentationcomputed 类型上不精确(它提到 Ref<T> 而不是 Ref<Readonly<T>>)但解释了只读和可变计算 属性 之间的区别:

Takes a getter function and returns an immutable reactive ref object for the returned value from the getter.

Alternatively, it can take an object with get and set functions to create a writable ref object.


export declare function computed<T>(getter: Option<T>['get']): Readonly<Ref<Readonly<T>>>;
export declare function computed<T>(options: Option<T>): Ref<Readonly<T>>;

Ref<Readonly<string[]>> 类型意味着 ref 值可以像 ref.value = items 一样重新分配,但不能像 ref.value[0] = item.


对于这种情况,您应该使用 WritableComputedRef<T>,因为当我们只使用 ComputedRef 时,它只用于读取,不用于写入。


let showMenu: WritableComputedRef<boolean> = computed({
  get: () => props.show,
  set: (value: boolean) => {
    ctx.emit("update:show", value);

const handleEscape = (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
  if (e.key === "Esc" || e.key === "Escape") {
    showMenu.value = false;