
Calculate the level/amplitude/db of audio for two channels

我已经阅读了两篇关于从 AudioInputStream 中提取样本并将其转换为 dB 的帖子。

据我了解 byte[] bytes; 的结构如下:

Index 0: Sample 0 (Left Channel)
Index 1: Sample 0 (Right Channel)
Index 2: Sample 1 (Left Channel)
Index 3: Sample 1 (Right Channel)
Index 4: Sample 2 (Left Channel)
Index 5: Sample 2 (Right Channel)


所以,我的问题是我想分别为右声道和左声道分别获取样本,以便计算左右声道的 dB。

这是代码。如何更改为分别获得左右声道? 我不明白索引 i 是如何变化的...

final byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];

float[] samples = new float[buffer.length / 2];

for (int n = 0; n != -1; n = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) {
    line.write(buffer, 0, n);

    for (int i = 0, sampleIndex = 0; i < n; ) {
        int sample = 0;

        sample |= buffer[i++] & 0xFF; // (reverse these two lines
        sample |= buffer[i++] << 8;   //  if the format is big endian)

        // normalize to range of +/-1.0f
        samples[sampleIndex++] = sample / 32768f;

    float rms = 0f;
    for (float sample : samples) {
        rms += sample * sample;

    rms = (float) Math.sqrt(rms / samples.length);


立体声信号的保存格式称为 interleaved。也就是说,正如您正确描述的那样,它是 LLRRLLRRLLRR...。所以你首先需要读一个左边的样本,然后是一个右边的样本,依此类推。

我已经编辑了您的代码以反映这一点。但是,通过 refactoring.



final byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];

// create two buffers. One for the left, one for the right channel.
float[] leftSamples = new float[buffer.length / 4];
float[] rightSamples = new float[buffer.length / 4];

for (int n = 0; n != -1; n = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) {
    line.write(buffer, 0, n);

    for (int i = 0, sampleIndex = 0; i < n; ) {
        int sample = 0;

        leftSample |= buffer[i++] & 0xFF; // (reverse these two lines
        leftSample |= buffer[i++] << 8;   //  if the format is big endian)

        rightSample |= buffer[i++] & 0xFF; // (reverse these two lines
        rightSample |= buffer[i++] << 8;   //  if the format is big endian)

        // normalize to range of +/-1.0f
        leftSamples[sampleIndex] = leftSample / 32768f;
        rightSamples[sampleIndex] = rightSample / 32768f;


    // now compute RMS for left
    float leftRMS = 0f;
    for (float sample : leftSamples) {
        leftRMS += sample * sample;

    leftRMS = (float) Math.sqrt(leftRMS / leftSamples.length);

    // ...and right
    float rightRMS = 0f;
    for (float sample : rightSamples) {
        rightRMS += sample * sample;

    rightRMS = (float) Math.sqrt(rightRMS / rightSamples.length);