Dart 中 Doc 评论和 Comments 的区别

Differences between Doc comments and Comments in Dart

可能看起来很简单,但我很想知道 Doc Comments 和 Dart Comments 之间的确切区别。




评论 (//)


文档评论 (///)

文档注释用于文档目的。 dartdoc 解析文档注释并创建文档页面。

| Comments                                   | Doc Comments                                        |
|  - Comment out some part of your code      | - Anything that you want to document using dartdoc  |
|  - Private APIs                            | - Usually used for public API/Framework/Library     |
|  - Private variable declaration            |                                                     |
|  - Method implementation logic             |                                                     |
|  - Something you need to do in future      |                                                     |
|    for improvements or cleanup purpose etc |                                                     |

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