如何使用 shapeless 将存储库客户端抽象为通用存储库模块

How to use shapeless to abstract a repository client into a generic repository module


  trait Repo[K, V] {
    def read(key: K): V
trait DynamoDBRepo extends Repo[K,V]{

def aRepo[K:StringIdentifiable,V]() = new Repo[K,V]{

  val dynamoDBClient = ???

  override def read(key: K, tableName: String): V =  { 

  val tableKey: String = implicitly[StringIdentifiable].identify(key)

  dynamoDBClient.Table(tableName).get(tableKey)  //(*)


@typeclass trait StringIdentifiable[M] {
  def identify(id: M): String

(*) 然而,dynamoDBClient.Table(tableName).get(key) 也可以 take a tuple 作为键(分区键和排序键)。

因此,我想以某种方式从 key:K override def read(key: K)

中从 K 中提取字符串或从 (K,K) 中提取 (String, String)

我首先尝试 从实现 StringIdentifiable 类型类的元组中提取类型。我卡住了。

a StringIdentifiable type class, that would return String when the argument was one key but (String, String) when the argument to the read was a tuple. But I was not able .


如果问题的要求是您的解决方案必须满足的所有要求,那么根本不需要无形的、路径相关的类型和类型 类。

sealed trait RepoKey[K] // TBH I am not sure if genericness here is even needed in your case...
case class SimpleKey(key: K) extends RepoKey[K]
case class PartitionedKey(partition: K, key: K) extends RepoKey[K]

trait Repo[K, V] {
  def read(key: RepoKey[K]): V

class DynamoDBRepo(dynamoDBClient: ...) extends Repo[String, V] {

  def read(key: RepoKey[String]): V = key match { 
    case SimpleKey(key)                 => ...
    case PartitionedKey(partition, key) => ...

即使您将密钥存储为 String 以外的其他内容,您唯一需要的类型类也将类似于:

trait KeyExtractor[K] {
  def extract(key: RepoKey[K]): String
