RC4 实现与 openssl 输出不匹配

RC4 implementation doesn't match openssl output

我的目标是在 C/C++ 中实现 RC4 流密码,并确保它产生与使用 openssl 命令时相同的输出。 按照 wikipedia 上的伪代码, 此实现似乎有效,因为它可以加密和解密内容。 但是,加密输出与等效 openssl 命令的输出不匹配,我想了解为什么。

    Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef u_int8_t byte;
typedef struct
    byte i;
    byte j;
    byte S[256];
} Rc4State;

static void swap(byte *a, byte *b)
    byte temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

    Set initial permutation.
    Initialize i and j counters for stream generation.
void rc4InitState(Rc4State *state, const byte K[256], u_int8_t klen)
    byte *S = state->S;

    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        S[i] = i;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        j = (j + S[i] + K[i % klen]) % 256;
        swap(&S[i], &S[j]);

    state->i = 0;
    state->j = 0;

void rc4Crypt(Rc4State *state, byte buffer[], size_t len)
    byte *S = state->S;

    for (size_t k = 0; k < len; k++)
        byte i = ++(state->i);
        byte j = (state->j += S[i]);

        swap(&S[i], &S[j]);
        byte t = S[i] + S[j];

        buffer[k] ^= S[t];

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (argc < 2)
        printf("usage: %s secret [-nosalt]\n", argv[0]);

    const char *key = argv[1];
    int klen = strlen(key);

    if (!(1 <= klen && klen < 256))
        printf("secret length must be between 1 and 255 chars, got %d\n", klen);

    byte *K = new byte[256];
    for (int i = 0; i < klen; i++)
        K[i] = key[i];

    Rc4State *state = (Rc4State *)malloc(sizeof(Rc4State));
    rc4InitState(state, K, klen);

    byte *buffer = new byte[256];
    while (1)
        size_t size = fread(buffer, sizeof(byte), 256, stdin);
        if (ferror(stdin))

        rc4Crypt(state, buffer, size);
        fwrite(buffer, sizeof(byte), size, stdout);

        if (feof(stdin))


g++ prog.cpp

其中 g++ --version 是:

$ g++ --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.29)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.4.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin


./a.out foo < "$path" > /tmp/a
openssl rc4 -pass pass:foo -nosalt < "$path" > /tmp/b
cmp /tmp/a /tmp/b



for i in {1..100}; do echo $i; done > /tmp/sample.txt

hexdump 的负责人使用我的实现:

$ ./a.out foo < /tmp/sample.txt | hexdump -C | head
00000000  9a 28 df 23 fb 6b 6f 38  03 80 83 ff aa a4 6b 81  |.(.#.ko8......k.|
00000010  5d 28 e8 a7 bf b1 4d d0  4b 34 3c 65 7c 21 f9 26  |](....M.K4<e|!.&|
00000020  d0 aa 2f 75 e6 96 9c d3  df 64 54 3b 6e 5b cc 47  |../u.....dT;n[.G|
00000030  50 76 23 48 f6 88 f8 c7  88 47 f5 89 4f 3e 01 5b  |Pv#H.....G..O>.[|
00000040  e1 b4 f9 03 f3 56 48 9c  c2 a1 45 dc a1 ed da ce  |.....VH...E.....|
00000050  99 1e d2 ab 65 29 d8 8f  49 a3 bf 88 7c 49 d2 9a  |....e)..I...|I..|
00000060  78 f7 ed 04 ec 23 f4 8a  18 06 7d ec 74 90 12 60  |x....#....}.t..`|
00000070  94 f9 a5 9b f8 97 c4 9b  31 94 eb dd 32 66 5e 8a  |........1...2f^.|
00000080  03 4d c1 d1 75 b5 89 9b  19 1f 6f 55 39 59 97 78  |.M..u.....oU9Y.x|
00000090  c6 64 81 85 8e 9c b8 0f  ef 29 90 77 29 02 0e 93  |.d.......).w)...|

hexdump 的头部使用 openssl(在 OSX,版本 OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013):

$ openssl rc4 -pass pass:foo -nosalt < /tmp/sample.txt | hexdump -C | head
00000000  de c0 1e 94 70 ef f2 55  45 69 f0 c9 71 94 30 32  |....p..UEi..q.02|
00000010  b4 6e fd d5 43 ef 4c 56  a0 58 00 8e f2 33 84 cd  |.n..C.LV.X...3..|
00000020  e2 d4 14 3b 78 7c 27 34  1a f2 2c e5 3a c2 9a 6e  |...;x|'4..,.:..n|
00000030  ab 20 e5 30 84 4f 17 b5  1a 2f 76 f6 b2 30 48 81  |. .0.O.../v..0H.|
00000040  39 70 50 21 f2 fc dc 0b  11 eb 0e e8 fa 0f ab 7c  |9pP!...........||
00000050  02 28 0a 0e 06 8e f6 44  2b 0d 67 c0 88 12 a7 74  |.(.....D+.g....t|
00000060  66 a3 18 b5 f8 ea d4 7b  05 84 cf 56 42 07 0c 8c  |f......{...VB...|
00000070  d9 8a c3 fc dc 30 9a ef  4c ca 00 b8 7d 15 32 ac  |.....0..L...}.2.|
00000080  7d 3e 54 19 d8 b6 a6 22  d1 14 a1 a4 12 b0 a5 aa  |}>T...."........|
00000090  63 e1 63 87 8b a1 58 88  6c 19 3d 32 09 07 0f bf  |c.c...X.l.=2....|


有趣的是,对同一个示例执行相同的 openssl 命令在 Debian 系统(版本 OpenSSL 1.1.1c 28 May 2019)上给出了不同的结果:

$ openssl rc4 -pass pass:foo -nosalt < /tmp/sample.txt | hexdump -C | head
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
00000000  13 b9 ff 0f bf 7e e7 4b  6b 6f 28 86 10 a5 a0 cd  |.....~.Kko(.....|
00000010  86 6d 6b d5 58 8e c1 d0  65 3e cd ae b0 c5 64 5f  |.mk.X...e>....d_|
00000020  f8 fc 93 76 1e ce c2 d3  8e 1a e1 7d 78 12 ee 3a  |...v.......}x..:|
00000030  b1 a8 43 ec c4 fb 06 ed  f9 3a fd 8d c7 d9 18 4d  |..C......:.....M|
00000040  e5 a4 6a 9e 59 f4 a6 37  b3 0d 6f c8 cb a4 fb 6a  |..j.Y..7..o....j|
00000050  31 8a 3a 5e f3 df 41 6f  d2 3d 53 aa ee 6f cb 31  |1.:^..Ao.=S..o.1|
00000060  8b 43 e8 f5 45 91 46 4c  15 ab d1 0e 5d 6a 19 90  |.C..E.FL....]j..|
00000070  c7 fc f2 10 89 e3 bb 1d  33 d7 9c 42 70 31 bf 05  |........3..Bp1..|
00000080  e1 dc 91 47 92 a9 d9 da  de c3 a1 b3 20 5d c7 d5  |...G........ ]..|
00000090  d1 6f 8e 57 05 f6 6e 87  38 49 bc d8 90 29 9a 4d  |.o.W..n.8I...).M|

所以也许 openssl implementation/version 很重要?


rc4Crypt 提供与 OpenSSL 相同 的密文。关于 OpenSSL,必须考虑以下因素:

  • 必须使用 -K 选项设置密钥。相比之下,-pass 选项传递从中派生密钥的密码。
  • OpenSSL 仅支持某些密钥长度:rc4 支持 16 字节密钥,rc4-40 支持 5 字节密钥。使用 openssl enc -ciphers 可以列出支持的算法(从版本 1.1.0 开始)。


Plaintext:       test
RC4-Key:         tests
OpenSSL command: openssl rc4-40 -K 7465737473 -nosalt -p -in plaintext.txt -out ciphertext.txt
Result:          DD9B5CB9

Plaintext:       AnotherTest
RC4-Key:         My16BytesTestKey
OpenSSL command: openssl rc4 -K 4d7931364279746573546573744b6579 -nosalt -p -in plaintext.txt -out ciphertext.txt
Result:          425E42CC1FD9F0E066A227


无法使用 OpenSSL 测试 RC4 密钥 foo,因为不支持此密钥大小。不过可以测试here。同样rc4Cryptreturns相同密文,例如:

Plaintext:       AThirdTest
RC4-Key:         foo
RC4-Key (hex):   666f6f
Result:          EA768540BA050F5745FE