如何在 symfony 中恢复页面的先前路由名称

how to recover a previous route name of page in symfony


您可以获取引荐来源网址并尝试 "match" 它与路由服务一起查看是否存在此路径的路由:

    $referer = $request->headers->get('referer'); // get the referer, it can be empty!
    if (!\is_string($referer) || !$referer) {
        echo 'Referer is invalid or empty.';


    $refererPathInfo = Request::create($referer)->getPathInfo();

    // try to match the path with the application routing
    $routeInfos = $this->router->match($refererPathInfo);

    // get the Symfony route name if it exists
    $refererRoute = $routeInfos['_route'] ?? '';

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