多个 AggregateResult 查询

Multiple AggregateResult Querys

我的问题是是否可以显示或调试来自 LEAD 的 FIELD A 的总和 + 来自两个不同对象的 FIELD B 的总和。 这是我正在处理的示例:

public static void example() {

   String sQueryOne;
   String sQueryTwo;
   AggregateResult[] objOne;
   AggregateResult[] objTwo;

   //I tried to save the following querys into a sObject List
   List<SObject> bothObjects = new List<SObject>();

   sQueryOne = 'Select Count(Id) records, Sum(FieldA) fieldNA From Lead';
   objOne = Database.query(sQueryOne);
   sQueryTwo = 'Select Count(Id) records, Sum(FieldA) fieldNB From Opportunity';
   objTwo = Database.query(sQueryTwo);


   for(sObject totalRec : bothObjects) {
       //There's a Wrapper(className) I created which contains some variables(totalSum)
       className finalRes = new className();
       finalRes.totalSum = (Integer.valueOf(fieldNA)) + (Integer.valueOf(fieldNB));
       System.debug('The sum is: '+finalRes.totalSum);

For example if I call a System debug with the previous variable finalRes.totalSum it's just showing the first value(fieldNA) duplicated.

以下调试显示了 sObject 列表的当前值,我想对其求和,例如 FIELD0 = 来自潜在客户,FIELD0 = 来自机会。


您通过调用 get('columnAlias') 访问 AggregateResult 中的列。如果您没有指定别名,它们将被 SF 自动编号为 expr0expr1... 如有疑问,您可以随时使用 System.debug(results);



List<AggregateResult> results = new List<AggregateResult>{
    [SELECT COUNT(Id) records, SUM(NumberOfEmployees) fieldA, SUM(AnnualRevenue) fieldB FROM Account],
    [SELECT COUNT(Id) records, SUM(Amount) fieldA, SUM(TotalOpportunityQuantity) fieldB FROM Opportunity],
    [SELECT COUNT(Id) records, SUM(NumberOfEmployees) fieldA, SUM(AnnualRevenue) fieldB FROM Lead]
    /* hey, not my fault these are only 2 standard numeric fields on Lead. 
    It doesn't matter that they're identical to Account fields, what matters is what their SUM(...) aliases are

List<Decimal> totals = new List<Decimal>{0,0,0};

for(AggregateResult ar : results){
    totals[0] += (Decimal) ar.get('records');
    totals[1] += (Decimal) ar.get('fieldA');
    totals[2] += (Decimal) ar.get('fieldB');

System.debug(totals); // (636, 8875206.0, 9819762558.0) in my dev org

(我并不是说它是完美的,你的包装器 class 听起来是个更好的主意,甚至可能 Map<String, Decimal>。取决于你打算如何处理结果)