四分位数 python 集合计数器

quartile python collections Counter


counter_obj= [('oranges', 66), ('apple', 13), ('banana', 13), ('pear', 12), ('strawberry', 10), ('watermelon', 10), ('avocado', 8) ... ('blueberry',1),('pineapple',1)]

我正在尝试select 八个元素,方法是从每个等级中随机选择两个对象四分位数.

我为第一个 (25%) 四分位数尝试了以下方法:

from collections import Counter
dct = {('oranges', 66), ('apple', 13), ('banana', 13), ('pear', 12), ('strawberry', 10), ('watermelon', 10), ('avocado', 8) ... ('blueberry',1),('pineapple',1)}
[tup for tup in Counter(dct).most_common(len(dct)//4)] # 25th percentile by frequency count

知道我有很多值为 1 的值(它们只出现一次),我该如何处理其余 2 个四分位数 50% 和 75%
我的原始数据条形图: Bar plot from my original data

我会用 pandas 来解决这个问题:

import pandas as pd

dct = {('oranges', 66), ('apple', 13), ('banana', 13), ('pear', 12), ('strawberry', 10), ('watermelon', 10), ('avocado', 8) , ('blueberry',1),('pineapple',1)}

df = pd.DataFrame(dct, columns = ['Fruit','Count'])  # convert to DataFrame

select = []

for quant in [.25,.5,.75,1]:
  curr_q = df['Count'].quantile(quant)  # this calculates the quantile value
  curr_choice = df[df['Count']<=curr_q].sample(2)  # this selects all rows of your dataframe within current quantile, then samples two of these rows

select = pd.concat(select).reset_index(drop=True)  # concatenates the selected rows to get a nice dataframe, resets the indices.