以编程方式 export/print 到 pdf

programmatically export/print to pdf

是否可以在 Word 网络应用程序中 export/print 以编程方式生成 pdf?


是的,你可以试试这个getFileAsync API:

这是获取 PDF 格式文档的示例代码。

// The following example gets the document in PDF format.
    function(result) {
        if (result.status == "succeeded") {
            var myFile = result.value;
            var sliceCount = myFile.sliceCount;
            app.showNotification("File size:" + myFile.size + " #Slices: " + sliceCount);
            // Now, you can call getSliceAsync to download the files,
            // as described in the previous code segment (compressed format).

        else {
            app.showNotification("Error:", result.error.message);