Visual Studio 19.不要添加webasm服务

Visual Studio 19. Don't add webasm service

我正在尝试连接 Web 服务(参见 ) using the VS 2019 menu "Add Service Reference" as an asmx web service. The service is determined, a list of methods appears, but after adding the "Web service reference", a message appears after a while "Unable to download file from http://...?wsdl“继续或取消。继续创建 .disco 文件和参考文件后,但它是空的!如何解决问题?

有两个选项,"Add Web Reference"和"Add Service Reference"。前者用于老式 asmx(如 cbr 服务)和 the latter is for WCF。使用 "Add Web Reference" 添加对该服务的引用,这将起作用。互联网上有多个教程和示例展示了如何使用 cbr: