如何为 Xlsx 文件生成 pCoordinates

how to generate pCoordinates for Xlsx files


 $sheet->setCellValue($pCoordinate, $pValue);

a $pCoodrinates 是一个字母,然后是一个数字,如 A1、B1、C1,例如第一行,然后下一行是 A2、B2、C2,下一行是 3


class SpreadSheetHelper
    private static $alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUYVWXYZ';

    public static function createSpreadSheet($data = []) {
        $spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
        $sheet       = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
        foreach ($data as $rowIndex => $row) {
            foreach ($row as $columnIndex => $columnValue) {
                $pCoordinate = self::getAlphabetCoordinate($rowIndex, $columnIndex);
                $pValue = $columnValue;
                $sheet->setCellValue($pCoordinate, $pValue);

        return $spreadsheet;

    private static function getAlphabetCoordinate($rowIndex, $columnIndex) {
        $letter = strtoupper(substr(self::$alphabet, $columnIndex, 1));
        $number = $rowIndex + 1;
        return "$letter$number";

如您所见,$alphabet 是硬编码的并且是有限的,它到达最后一个字母,它应该以 AA、AB、AC、AD、AE、AF 开头,这就是我想要生成的。知道怎么做吗?

您可以利用 ASCII-table:

//Number of rows and columns
$rows = 3;
$cols = 40;

$pcoords = array();
for($current_row=1;$current_row<$rows+1;$current_row++) {
    $alpha_index = 65;
    $alpha_pref_index = 65;
    $alpha_count = 0;
    $pref_letter = '';

    for($current_col=0;$current_col<$cols;$current_col++) {
        $col_letter = chr($alpha_index);
        $pcoords[] = $pref_letter . $col_letter. $current_row;
        if ($alpha_count == 26) {
            $alpha_count = 0;
            $alpha_index = 65;
            $pref_letter = chr($alpha_pref_index);     
        else {

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