为什么在这个 reduce 回调中使用 Object.create?

Why use Object.create inside this reduce callback?

因此,在完成本精美教程的第 19 篇 - http://jhusain.github.io/learnrx/ 时,我发现该练习无需使用 Object.create 即可完成。 (请参阅注释掉的行)

1。那么创建 accumulatedMap 的副本有什么意义呢?除了证明这是可能的...

function() {
    var videos = [
            "id": 65432445,
            "title": "The Chamber"
            "id": 675465,
            "title": "Fracture"
            "id": 70111470,
            "title": "Die Hard"
            "id": 654356453,
            "title": "Bad Boys"

    // Expecting this output...
    // [
    //     {
    //         "65432445": "The Chamber",
    //         "675465": "Fracture",
    //         "70111470": "Die Hard",
    //         "654356453": "Bad Boys"
    //     }
    // ]
    return videos.
        reduce(function(accumulatedMap, video) {

            // Object.create() makes a fast copy of the accumulatedMap by
            // creating a new object and setting the accumulatedMap to be the
            // new object's prototype.
            // Initially the new object is empty and has no members of its own,
            // except a pointer to the object on which it was based. If an
            // attempt to find a member on the new object fails, the new object
            // silently attempts to find the member on its prototype. This
            // process continues recursively, with each object checking its
            // prototype until the member is found or we reach the first object
            // we created.
            // If we set a member value on the new object, it is stored
            // directly on that object, leaving the prototype unchanged.
            // Object.create() is perfect for functional programming because it
            // makes creating a new object with a different member value almost
            // as cheap as changing the member on the original object!

            //var copyOfAccumulatedMap = Object.create(accumulatedMap);

            //copyOfAccumulatedMap[video.id] = video.title;
            accumulatedMap[video.id] = video.title;

          //return copyOfAccumulatedMap;
            return accumulatedMap;
        // Use an empty map as the initial value instead of the first item in
        // the list.

2 如果你 使用 copyOfAccumulatedMap 做它,你最终会得到一个像这样的对象


var fruit = { 'taste' : 3 };

var apple = Object.create(fruit);
    apple['size'] = 7;

var apple = Object.create(fruit);
    apple['hardness'] = 6;

var apple = Object.create(fruit);
    apple['weight'] = 10;

console.log(apple.size);     // undefined as I would expect
console.log(apple.hardness); // undefined as I would expect


你有点回答了你自己的问题:Object.create 制作了那个原型链。 Object.create 将正在创建的对象的原型对象作为其参数。

var copyOfAccumulatedMap = Object.create(accumulatedMap);

accumulatedMap 被用作 copyOfAccumulatedMap 的原型。然后copy返回,作为下一次通过的accumulatedMap