如何在 DateInterval 扩展 class 中创建日期 属性?

How can I create the days property in a DateInterval extension class?

我想扩展 DateInterval class 以添加我自己的方法。为此,我想从 DateInterval 对象创建 DateIntervalEx 扩展 class 的实例。 示例:

$dateInterval = date_create('yesterday')->diff(date_create('today 13:24'));

$diEx = new DateIntervalEx($dateInterval);

我对 class 的尝试:

class DateIntervalEx extends Dateinterval{
  public function __construct(DateInterval $interval){

    foreach($interval as $prop => $value){
      $this->$prop = $value;

diff()方法returns一个DateInterval$days == 1

   'y' => 0,
   'm' => 0,
   'd' => 1,
   'h' => 13,
   'i' => 24,
   's' => 0,
   'f' => 0.0,
   'weekday' => 0,
   'weekday_behavior' => 0,
   'first_last_day_of' => 0,
   'invert' => 0,
   'days' => 1,
   'special_type' => 0,
   'special_amount' => 0,
   'have_weekday_relative' => 0,
   'have_special_relative' => 0,

但是我的分机 class returns 天 => false.

   'weekday' => 0,
   'weekday_behavior' => 0,
   'first_last_day_of' => 0,
   'days' => false,
   'special_type' => 0,
   'special_amount' => 0,
   'have_weekday_relative' => 0,
   'have_special_relative' => 0,
   'y' => 0,
   'm' => 0,
   'd' => 1,
   'h' => 13,
   'i' => 24,
   's' => 0,
   'f' => 0.0,
   'invert' => 0,

如何将天数 属性 设置为正确的值?

无法在 PHP 上执行。

如果 DateInterval 是使用 DateTime::diff() 创建的,$days 属性 由 PHP 运行时设置,正如您可能在 docs:


If the DateInterval object was created by DateTime::diff(), then this is the total number of days between the start and end dates. Otherwise, days will be FALSE.

Before PHP 5.4.20/5.5.4 instead of FALSE you will receive -99999 upon accessing the property.

检查两个重要的 DateTime 扩展项目如何处理这个问题(例如,他们没有):

Chronos(ChronosInterval 扩展 DateTimeInterval):

 * Create a ChronosInterval instance from a DateInterval one.  Can not instance
 * DateInterval objects created from DateTime::diff() as you can't externally
 * set the $days field.
 * @param \DateInterval $di The DateInterval instance to copy.
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 * @return static
public static function instance(DateInterval $di): self
   if (static::wasCreatedFromDiff($di)) {
       throw new InvalidArgumentException(
           "Can not instance a DateInterval object created from DateTime::diff()."
// ...

碳(CarbonIntervalDateTimeInterval 延伸)

 * Create a CarbonInterval instance from a DateInterval one.  Can not instance
 * DateInterval objects created from DateTime::diff() as you can't externally
 * set the $days field.
 * @param DateInterval $interval
 * @return static
public static function instance(DateInterval $interval)
    return self::castIntervalToClass($interval, static::class);
