Why is cloud save recommended for instant games?
在 Instant Play Games 网站上 google 推荐以下内容:
Integrate sign-in using Google Play Games Services and a cloud save
solution to preserve progress in the game.
If the player is using a device that runs Android 8.0 (API level 26)
or higher, and if your game specifies a targetSandboxVersion of 2,
then the player's progress is transferred automatically to the full
version of your game. Otherwise, you must transfer the data related to
player progress manually. To do so, use one of the following APIs...
所以似乎不需要云存档,有一个简单的 API 可以将进度传输到主应用程序。那么为什么推荐云存档呢?我是否遗漏了免安装应用的某些方面或限制?
即时应用程序数据不会持续存在,例如重新启动设备。更多信息 here.
在 Instant Play Games 网站上 google 推荐以下内容:
Integrate sign-in using Google Play Games Services and a cloud save solution to preserve progress in the game.
If the player is using a device that runs Android 8.0 (API level 26) or higher, and if your game specifies a targetSandboxVersion of 2, then the player's progress is transferred automatically to the full version of your game. Otherwise, you must transfer the data related to player progress manually. To do so, use one of the following APIs...
所以似乎不需要云存档,有一个简单的 API 可以将进度传输到主应用程序。那么为什么推荐云存档呢?我是否遗漏了免安装应用的某些方面或限制?
我至少找到了一个原因,这似乎很重要: 即时应用程序数据不会持续存在,例如重新启动设备。更多信息 here.