kotlin 中的通用 grpc 请求

Generic grpc requests in kotlin

class API {

    val nonBlockingStub: HealthcareAPIGrpc.HealthcareAPIStub //Generated Java GRPC Stub

    suspend fun exampleRequest(params: Params) : ReturnedResult = suspendCancellableCoroutine { routine ->
        val obs = object : StreamObserver<ReturnedResult> {
            override fun onNext(value: ReturnedResult?) {

            override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {

            override fun onCompleted() {
        nonBlockingStub.exampleRequest(params, obs)

所以我正在开发一个 Kotlin android 应用程序,它有一个在 java 中生成的 grpc 客户端。最近我不得不移动所有 API 请求以使用 kotlin 协程。对于每个请求,我都必须复制粘贴这个 exampleRequest 函数。


理想情况下,应该有一个存根生成器生成适当的调用作为 suspend/Flow 方法,但您仍然可以使用专用辅助函数抽象大部分转换:

fun <T> grpcFlow(
    @BuilderInference block: suspend (StreamObserver<T>) -> Unit
): Flow<T> = callbackFlow {
    // Use ClientCallStreamObserver to support cancellation
    val observer = object : ClientCallStreamObserver<T>() {
        override fun onNext(value: T) {

        override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
            cancel(CancellationException("GRPC Error", t))

        override fun onCompleted() = channel.close()


    awaitClose { 
        observer.cancel("flow cancellation", null)

那么你的 API 就变成了:

class API {
    val nonBlockingStub: HealthcareAPIGrpc.HealthcareAPIStub

    suspend fun exampleRequest(params: Params) = grpcFlow {
        // @BuilderInference should ensure the correct type is used
        nonBlockingStub.exampleRequest(params, it)
    }.single() // Since we only expect a single response value.

    // And for returns (stream ReturnedResult)
    suspend fun exampleStreamingRequest(params: Params) = gcpcFlow {
        nonBlockingStub.exampleStreamingRequest(params, it)
    } // Flow<ReturnedResult>
