Rancher 使用签名证书设置 RKE

Rancher Setup RKE With Signed Certs

经过一些研究,我发现可以使用本指南中所述的 rke 客户端创建 csr: https://rancher.com/docs/rke/latest/en/cert-mgmt/

是否可以使用带有签名证书的 Rancher 2.x 部署 RKE 集群,还是必须使用 RKE 客户端来完成?


据我检查此 github issue

正如@deniseschannon 在上面提到的link

In Rancher 2.2 and RKE 0.2.0, we've only added the ability to bring your own certs to clusters created with the RKE CLI.


此外,您可以查看此牧场主 link 关于 Certificates

Available as of v0.2.0

By default, Kubernetes clusters require certificates and RKE auto-generates the certificates for all the Kubernetes services. RKE can also use custom certificates for these Kubernetes services.

By default, Kubernetes clusters require certificates and RKE auto-generates the certificates for all cluster components. You can also use custom certificates. After the Kubernetes cluster is deployed, you can manage these auto-generated certificates.

基于此,我认为只有使用 RKE 才有可能。