
How to obtain data of filters of the convolution layers of the CNN network in DL4J to draw the activation map?


  ComputationGraphConfiguration config =
        new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
            .updater(new Adam(1e-3))
            .setInputTypes(InputType.convolutional(60, 200, 3))
            .setOutputs("out1", "out2", "out3", "out4", "out5", "out6")
                new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(new int[] {5, 5}, new int[] {1, 1}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(
                        PoolingType.MAX, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(new int[] {5, 5}, new int[] {1, 1}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(
                        PoolingType.MAX, new int[] {2, 1}, new int[] {2, 1}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(new int[] {3, 3}, new int[] {1, 1}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(
                        PoolingType.MAX, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(new int[] {4, 4}, new int[] {1, 1}, new int[] {0, 0})
                new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(
                        PoolingType.MAX, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {2, 2}, new int[] {0, 0})
            .addLayer("ffn0", new DenseLayer.Builder().nOut(3072).build(), "maxpool4")
            .addLayer("ffn1", new DenseLayer.Builder().nOut(3072).build(), "ffn0")
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
                new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)


我的意思是训练模型后卷积层激活的 NDArray(或什么?),用于绘制这样的激活图:

我不清楚什么样的 Layer API returns 用于构建那个的 2D 数据。

如果您使用的是 DL4J ui 模块,只需将 ConvolutionalIterationListener 添加为模型的另一个侦听器即可获得这些可视化效果。


您可以遍历图中的每一层和顶点以隔离所有 Type.CONVOLUTIONAL 层,然后打印过滤器偏差和权重。

艰难,正如@PaulDubs 所指出的,这会给你权重 而不是激活:你必须申请图像的过滤器以具体查看该图像的激活。

ComputationGraph model = ComputationGraph.load(new File("/data/deepl/moyens11.zip"), false);
GraphVertex[] vertices = model.getVertices();
for (Layer layer : model.getLayers()) {
    if (layer.type() != Type.CONVOLUTIONAL) {
    String name = Arrays.stream(vertices)
        .filter(v -> v.getLayer() == layer)
    System.out.println("Layer #"+layer.getIndex()+" "+name+":");
    Map<String,INDArray> params = layer.paramTable();
    INDArray coeffsW = params.get("W"); // Weights
    INDArray coeffsB = params.get("b"); // Bias
    long[] dimsW = coeffsW.shape(); // [<nOut>, <nIn>, <convY>, <convX>] e.g. [32, 1, 3, 3]
    long[] dimsB = coeffsB.shape(); // [1, <nOut>] e.g. [1, 32]
    for (int iOut = 0; iOut < dimsW[0]; iOut++) {
        System.out.println("      Output "+iOut+": "+dimsW[2]+"x"+dimsW[3]);
        for (int iIn = 0; iIn < dimsW[1]; iIn++) {
            System.out.println("         Filter "+iIn+", bias "+coeffsB.getFloat(0, iOut));
            for (int y = 0; y < dimsW[3]; y++) {
                System.out.print("            ");
                for (int x = 0; x < dimsW[2]; x++) {
                    System.out.printf("%15g", coeffsW.getFloat(iOut, iIn, y, x));


Layer #2 cnn1:
   Output 0: 3x3
      Filter 0, bias 0.034268413
               -0.181560      -0.107202      -0.143127
               -0.105426      0.0311019      -0.104243
               -0.114821      -0.101115      -0.105325
   Output 1: 3x3
      Filter 0, bias 0.023474146
             -0.00397262      0.0207015       0.253023
               -0.171297     -0.0244920      0.0446173
               -0.103351      -0.107709    -0.00905741