在声明 Excel VBA 函数时嵌套 ParamArrays,如 SUMIFS?
Nesting ParamArrays when declaring Excel VBA functions like SUMIFS?
”,它的工作方式与 SUMIFS
类似,只是不添加 SumRange
”中的值。有没有办法像 SUMIFS
中那样嵌套 ParamArray
SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
Function JoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, _
Delim As String, _
IncludeNull As Boolean, _
ParamArray CritArray(CriteriaRange As Variant, Criteria As Variant)) As String
但我尝试的任何东西似乎都无法编译,而且可能没有嵌套 ParamArrays 的方法。但是 SUMIFS
等函数的存在似乎表明可能有一种嵌套 ParamArrays 的方法。
这个问题重复 AlexR's question Excel UDF with ParamArray constraint like SUMIFS。但那是几年前发布的,没有任何回应,所以这个问题要么没有得到足够的重视,要么被误解了。
编辑澄清:这个问题专门针对嵌套 ParamArrays。我并不是要寻找实现上述示例结果的替代方法。想象一下将 ParamArrays 嵌套在一个完全不同的虚构函数上,如“AverageIfs
根据 Function
statement and Sub
statement 的文档,Function
或 Sub
只能包含 1 个 ParamArray
。此外,您还可以检查 ParamArray
中有多少个元素,如果不是偶数则抛出错误。例如,此演示获取 Arrays 的列表,并获取该数组中的哪个 element,并输出另一个包含结果的数组:
Sub DemonstrateParamArray()
Dim TestArray As Variant
TestArray = HasParamArray(Array("First", "Second"), 0)
MsgBox TestArray(0)
Dim AnotherArray As Variant
AnotherArray = Array("Hello", "World")
TestArray = HasParamArray(AnotherArray, 0, AnotherArray, 1)
MsgBox Join(TestArray, " ")
End Sub
Function HasParamArray(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Variant
Dim ArgumentCount As Long, WhichPair As Long, Output() As Variant, WhatElement As Long
ArgumentCount = 1 + UBound(ArgList) - LBound(ArgList)
'Only allow Even Numbers!
If ArgumentCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
Err.Raise 450 '"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Output(0 To Int(ArgumentCount / 1) - 1)
For WhichPair = LBound(ArgList) To ArgumentCount + LBound(ArgList) - 1 Step 2
WhatElement = ArgumentCount(WhichPair + 1)
Output(Int(WhichPair / 2)) = ArgumentCount(WhichPair)(WhatElement)
Next WhichPair
HasParameterArray = Output
End Function
(可以找到 Err.Raise
的内置错误代码列表 here)
似乎无法嵌套 ParamArray。
我希望得到一个看起来像 Excel 的内置函数的函数。
Function SJoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, Sep As String, IncludeNull As Boolean, ParamArray CritArray() As Variant) As Variant
'Concatenates text based on multple criteria similar to SUMIFS.
'Sizes of ranges CritArray (0, 2, 4 ...) must match size of range JoinRange. CritArray must have an even amount of elements
'Elements of CritArray (1, 3, 5 ...) must be single values
Set JoinList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
'Set FinalList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For Each DataPoint In JoinRange
JoinList.Add (CStr(DataPoint))
JoinArray = JoinList.ToArray
CriteriaCount = UBound(CritArray) + 1
If CriteriaCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
CriteriaSetCount = Int(CriteriaCount / 2)
Set CriteriaLists = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set CriteriaList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set MatchList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For a = 0 To CriteriaSetCount - 1
For Each CriteriaTest In CritArray(2 * a)
CriteriaList.Add (CStr(CriteriaTest))
If CriteriaList.count <> JoinList.count Then 'Ranges are different sizes
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
MatchList.Add (CStr(CritArray((2 * a) + 1)))
CriteriaLists.Add (CriteriaList.ToArray)
For a = 0 To UBound(JoinArray)
AllMatch = True
For b = 0 To MatchList.count - 1
AllMatch = (MatchList(b) = CriteriaLists(b)(a)) And AllMatch
If AllMatch Then JoinList.Add (JoinArray(a))
SJoinIfs = SJoin(Sep, IncludeNull, JoinList)
Else 'Criteria Array Size is not even
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
这个函数使用了另一个函数 SJoin(),我之前根据 Lun in his answer to .
我已调整此函数以包括使用数值、VBA 数组和数组列表。
On Error Resume Next
'Sep is the separator, set to "" if you don't want any separator. Separator must be string or single cell, not cell range
'TxtRng is the content you want to join. TxtRng can be string, single cell, cell range or array returned from an array function. Empty content will be ignored
Dim OutStr As String 'the output string
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer 'counters
Dim FinArr(), element As Variant 'the final array and a temporary element when transfering between the two arrays
'Go through each item of TxtRng(), depending on the item type, transform and put it into FinArray()
i = 0 'the counter for TxtRng
j = 0 'the counter for FinArr
k = 0: l = 0 'the counters for the case of array from Excel array formula
Do While i < UBound(TxtRng) + 1
If TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "String" Then 'specified string like "t"
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = "blah"
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(i)
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Range" Then 'single cell or range of cell like A1, A1:A2
For Each element In TxtRng(i)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = element
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Variant()" Then 'array returned from an Excel array formula
For k = LBound(TxtRng(0), 1) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 1)
For l = LBound(TxtRng(0), 2) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 2)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(0)(k, l)
j = j + 1
TJoin = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
'Put each element of the new array into the join string
For i = LBound(FinArr) To UBound(FinArr)
If FinArr(i) <> "" Then 'Remove this line if you want to include empty strings
OutStr = OutStr & FinArr(i) & Sep
End If
TJoin = Left(OutStr, Len(OutStr) - Len(Sep)) 'remove the ending separator
End Function
”,它的工作方式与 SUMIFS
类似,只是不添加 SumRange
”中的值。有没有办法像 SUMIFS
中那样嵌套 ParamArray
SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
Function JoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, _
Delim As String, _
IncludeNull As Boolean, _
ParamArray CritArray(CriteriaRange As Variant, Criteria As Variant)) As String
但我尝试的任何东西似乎都无法编译,而且可能没有嵌套 ParamArrays 的方法。但是 SUMIFS
等函数的存在似乎表明可能有一种嵌套 ParamArrays 的方法。
这个问题重复 AlexR's question Excel UDF with ParamArray constraint like SUMIFS。但那是几年前发布的,没有任何回应,所以这个问题要么没有得到足够的重视,要么被误解了。
编辑澄清:这个问题专门针对嵌套 ParamArrays。我并不是要寻找实现上述示例结果的替代方法。想象一下将 ParamArrays 嵌套在一个完全不同的虚构函数上,如“AverageIfs
根据 Function
statement and Sub
statement 的文档,Function
或 Sub
只能包含 1 个 ParamArray
。此外,您还可以检查 ParamArray
中有多少个元素,如果不是偶数则抛出错误。例如,此演示获取 Arrays 的列表,并获取该数组中的哪个 element,并输出另一个包含结果的数组:
Sub DemonstrateParamArray()
Dim TestArray As Variant
TestArray = HasParamArray(Array("First", "Second"), 0)
MsgBox TestArray(0)
Dim AnotherArray As Variant
AnotherArray = Array("Hello", "World")
TestArray = HasParamArray(AnotherArray, 0, AnotherArray, 1)
MsgBox Join(TestArray, " ")
End Sub
Function HasParamArray(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Variant
Dim ArgumentCount As Long, WhichPair As Long, Output() As Variant, WhatElement As Long
ArgumentCount = 1 + UBound(ArgList) - LBound(ArgList)
'Only allow Even Numbers!
If ArgumentCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
Err.Raise 450 '"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Output(0 To Int(ArgumentCount / 1) - 1)
For WhichPair = LBound(ArgList) To ArgumentCount + LBound(ArgList) - 1 Step 2
WhatElement = ArgumentCount(WhichPair + 1)
Output(Int(WhichPair / 2)) = ArgumentCount(WhichPair)(WhatElement)
Next WhichPair
HasParameterArray = Output
End Function
(可以找到 Err.Raise
的内置错误代码列表 here)
似乎无法嵌套 ParamArray。
我希望得到一个看起来像 Excel 的内置函数的函数。
Function SJoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, Sep As String, IncludeNull As Boolean, ParamArray CritArray() As Variant) As Variant
'Concatenates text based on multple criteria similar to SUMIFS.
'Sizes of ranges CritArray (0, 2, 4 ...) must match size of range JoinRange. CritArray must have an even amount of elements
'Elements of CritArray (1, 3, 5 ...) must be single values
Set JoinList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
'Set FinalList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For Each DataPoint In JoinRange
JoinList.Add (CStr(DataPoint))
JoinArray = JoinList.ToArray
CriteriaCount = UBound(CritArray) + 1
If CriteriaCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
CriteriaSetCount = Int(CriteriaCount / 2)
Set CriteriaLists = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set CriteriaList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set MatchList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For a = 0 To CriteriaSetCount - 1
For Each CriteriaTest In CritArray(2 * a)
CriteriaList.Add (CStr(CriteriaTest))
If CriteriaList.count <> JoinList.count Then 'Ranges are different sizes
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
MatchList.Add (CStr(CritArray((2 * a) + 1)))
CriteriaLists.Add (CriteriaList.ToArray)
For a = 0 To UBound(JoinArray)
AllMatch = True
For b = 0 To MatchList.count - 1
AllMatch = (MatchList(b) = CriteriaLists(b)(a)) And AllMatch
If AllMatch Then JoinList.Add (JoinArray(a))
SJoinIfs = SJoin(Sep, IncludeNull, JoinList)
Else 'Criteria Array Size is not even
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
这个函数使用了另一个函数 SJoin(),我之前根据 Lun in his answer to
我已调整此函数以包括使用数值、VBA 数组和数组列表。
On Error Resume Next
'Sep is the separator, set to "" if you don't want any separator. Separator must be string or single cell, not cell range
'TxtRng is the content you want to join. TxtRng can be string, single cell, cell range or array returned from an array function. Empty content will be ignored
Dim OutStr As String 'the output string
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer 'counters
Dim FinArr(), element As Variant 'the final array and a temporary element when transfering between the two arrays
'Go through each item of TxtRng(), depending on the item type, transform and put it into FinArray()
i = 0 'the counter for TxtRng
j = 0 'the counter for FinArr
k = 0: l = 0 'the counters for the case of array from Excel array formula
Do While i < UBound(TxtRng) + 1
If TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "String" Then 'specified string like "t"
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = "blah"
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(i)
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Range" Then 'single cell or range of cell like A1, A1:A2
For Each element In TxtRng(i)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = element
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Variant()" Then 'array returned from an Excel array formula
For k = LBound(TxtRng(0), 1) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 1)
For l = LBound(TxtRng(0), 2) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 2)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(0)(k, l)
j = j + 1
TJoin = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
'Put each element of the new array into the join string
For i = LBound(FinArr) To UBound(FinArr)
If FinArr(i) <> "" Then 'Remove this line if you want to include empty strings
OutStr = OutStr & FinArr(i) & Sep
End If
TJoin = Left(OutStr, Len(OutStr) - Len(Sep)) 'remove the ending separator
End Function