Microsoft Dynamics 中的日期部分函数错误 SQL

Datepart function error in Microsoft Dynamics SQL

我目前正在尝试在 Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 中执行 SQL 查询,以使用 DATEPART 函数输出从交货日期算起的年份。

我在 AOT 中创建了一个 class "CustRerportDemo",并在尝试执行查询时,即仅从 "deliverydate" 字段中查询出年份 table "SalesTable"。遇到错误提示:

Variable Datepart has not been declared

我知道 datepart 是 SQL 中的函数调用,不需要声明。因此,我想知道为什么以及如何纠正这个问题?我只是想显示从交货日期算起的年份。

因此,如果日期是13/06/2016,那么查询出来的结果就是2016或者16。 我附上了以下代码。请帮忙。

public void processReport()
CustTable custTable;
SalesTable salesTable;

//select all customers
while select * from custTable
    //clear the temporary table
    //assign customer account and name
    custReportRDPTmp.CustAccount = custTable.AccountNum;
    custReportRDPTmp.Name =;
    //select count of invoiced sales order of customer
    select count(RecId) from salesTable
    where salesTable.CustAccount == custTable.AccountNum
    && salesTable.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::Invoiced;
    custReportRDPTmp.SalesOrderInvoiceCount = int642int(salesTable.RecId);
    //New Column to display PaymentMode
    select PaymMode
    from salesTable
    where salesTable.PaymMode == custTable.PaymMode;
    custReportRDPTmp.Payment = SalesTable.PaymMode;
    //New Column to display SalesAmountTotal by drawing from a different table using a JOIN statement
    select smmSalesAmountTotal
    from salesTable;
    custReportRDPTmp.SalesAmt = salesTable.smmSalesAmountTotal;

    //New Column to display month from delivery date
    select DATEPART("yyyy", DeliveryDate) as year
    // To extract  a single value for year and month from DeliveryDate in SalesTable
    from salesTable

    /* where payment in (select count(payment) from salesTable
     where salesTable.CustAccount == custTable.AccountNum

    //insert in temporary table buffer


select firstOnly DeliveryDate
from salesTable
where salesTable.CustAccount == custTable.AccountNum;
//Get Year from date
custReportRDPTmp.DateTimeStamp = year(salesTable.DeliveryDate);


X++ select 语句是 not SQL 因此你不应该假设任何或所有 SQL 函数在 X++ 中可用;他们不是!


它不属于 select 不过:

select firstonly DeliveryDate from salesTable;
y = year(salesTable.DeliveryDate);