How to Factorize Continuation Monad into Left & Right Adjoints?
As State monad 可以分解为 Product(左 - Functor)和 Reader(右 - Representable)。
- 有没有办法分解 Continuation Monad?下面的代码是我的尝试,不会输入 check
-- To form a -> (a -> k) -> k
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, InstanceSigs, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
type (<-:) o i = i -> o
-- I Dont think we can have Functor & Representable for this type synonym
class Isomorphism a b where
from :: a -> b
to :: b -> a
instance Adjunction ((<-:) e) ((<-:) e) where
unit :: a -> (a -> e) -> e
unit a handler = handler a
counit :: (a -> e) -> e -> a
counit f e = undefined -- If we have a constraint on Isomorphism a e then we can implement this
我读过,给定一对伴随物,它们形成一个唯一的 Monad 和 Comonad,但是,给定一个 Monad,它可以分解为多个因子。有这方面的例子吗?
这不会进行类型检查,因为 class Adjunction
只代表一小部分附加,其中两个函子都是 Hask 上的内函子 .
事实证明,附加语 (<-:) r -| (<-:) r
f = (<-:) r
g = (<-:) r
应该是 Op(Hask) 类别中的自然转换,它翻转箭头:
unit :: a -> g (f a)
counit :: f (g a) <-: a
为了正确捕捉这一点,我们需要概括 Functor
和 Adjunction
classes 以便我们可以对不同类别之间的附加进行建模:
class Exofunctor c d f where
exomap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)
(Exofunctor d c f, Exofunctor c d g) =>
(c :: k -> k -> Type)
(d :: h -> h -> Type)
(f :: h -> k)
(g :: k -> h) where
unit :: d a (g (f a))
counit :: c (f (g a)) a
然后我们再次得到 Compose
是一个 monad(如果我们翻转附件,则是一个 comonad):
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { unCompose :: f (g a) }
adjReturn :: forall c f g a. Adjunction c (->) f g => a -> Compose g f a
adjReturn = Compose . unit @_ @_ @c @(->)
adjJoin :: forall c f g a. Adjunction c (->) f g => Compose g f (Compose g f a) -> Compose g f a
adjJoin = Compose . exomap (counit @_ @_ @c @(->)) . (exomap . exomap @(->) @c) unCompose . unCompose
type Cont r = Compose ((<-:) r) ((<-:) r)
I have read that given a pair of adjoints they form a unique Monad & Comonad but given a Monad it can be Factorized into multiple Factors. Is there any example of this?
因式分解通常不是唯一的。一旦你像上面那样概括了附加条件,那么你至少可以将任何 monad M
作为其 Kleisli 范畴和它的基本范畴(在本例中为 Hask)之间的附加条件。
Every monad M defines an adjunction
F -| G
F : (->) -> Kleisli M
: Type -> Type -- Types are the objects of both categories (->) and Kleisli m.
-- The left adjoint F maps each object to itself.
: (a -> b) -> (a -> M b) -- The morphism mapping uses return.
G : Kleisli M -> (->)
: Type -> Type -- The right adjoint G maps each object a to m a
: (a -> M b) -> (M a -> M b) -- This is (=<<)
不知道continuation monad是否对应Hask上endofunctors之间的adjunction
另请参阅 nCatLab 关于 monad 的文章:https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/monad#RelationToAdjunctionsAndMonadicity
Relation to adjunctions and monadicity
Every adjunction (L ⊣ R) induces a monad R∘L and a comonad L∘R. There is in general more than one adjunction which gives rise to a given monad this way, in fact there is a category of adjunctions for a given monad. The initial object in that category is the adjunction over the Kleisli category of the monad and the terminal object is that over the Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras. (e.g. Borceux, vol. 2, prop. 4.2.2) The latter is called the monadic adjunction.
As State monad 可以分解为 Product(左 - Functor)和 Reader(右 - Representable)。
- 有没有办法分解 Continuation Monad?下面的代码是我的尝试,不会输入 check
-- To form a -> (a -> k) -> k
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, InstanceSigs, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
type (<-:) o i = i -> o
-- I Dont think we can have Functor & Representable for this type synonym
class Isomorphism a b where
from :: a -> b
to :: b -> a
instance Adjunction ((<-:) e) ((<-:) e) where
unit :: a -> (a -> e) -> e
unit a handler = handler a
counit :: (a -> e) -> e -> a
counit f e = undefined -- If we have a constraint on Isomorphism a e then we can implement this
我读过,给定一对伴随物,它们形成一个唯一的 Monad 和 Comonad,但是,给定一个 Monad,它可以分解为多个因子。有这方面的例子吗?
这不会进行类型检查,因为 class Adjunction
只代表一小部分附加,其中两个函子都是 Hask 上的内函子 .
事实证明,附加语 (<-:) r -| (<-:) r
f = (<-:) r
,从Hask到Op(Hask)的函子(Hask的反类,有时也记作Hask^op)g = (<-:) r
应该是 Op(Hask) 类别中的自然转换,它翻转箭头:
unit :: a -> g (f a)
counit :: f (g a) <-: a
为了正确捕捉这一点,我们需要概括 Functor
和 Adjunction
classes 以便我们可以对不同类别之间的附加进行建模:
class Exofunctor c d f where
exomap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)
(Exofunctor d c f, Exofunctor c d g) =>
(c :: k -> k -> Type)
(d :: h -> h -> Type)
(f :: h -> k)
(g :: k -> h) where
unit :: d a (g (f a))
counit :: c (f (g a)) a
然后我们再次得到 Compose
是一个 monad(如果我们翻转附件,则是一个 comonad):
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { unCompose :: f (g a) }
adjReturn :: forall c f g a. Adjunction c (->) f g => a -> Compose g f a
adjReturn = Compose . unit @_ @_ @c @(->)
adjJoin :: forall c f g a. Adjunction c (->) f g => Compose g f (Compose g f a) -> Compose g f a
adjJoin = Compose . exomap (counit @_ @_ @c @(->)) . (exomap . exomap @(->) @c) unCompose . unCompose
type Cont r = Compose ((<-:) r) ((<-:) r)
I have read that given a pair of adjoints they form a unique Monad & Comonad but given a Monad it can be Factorized into multiple Factors. Is there any example of this?
因式分解通常不是唯一的。一旦你像上面那样概括了附加条件,那么你至少可以将任何 monad M
作为其 Kleisli 范畴和它的基本范畴(在本例中为 Hask)之间的附加条件。
Every monad M defines an adjunction
F -| G
F : (->) -> Kleisli M
: Type -> Type -- Types are the objects of both categories (->) and Kleisli m.
-- The left adjoint F maps each object to itself.
: (a -> b) -> (a -> M b) -- The morphism mapping uses return.
G : Kleisli M -> (->)
: Type -> Type -- The right adjoint G maps each object a to m a
: (a -> M b) -> (M a -> M b) -- This is (=<<)
不知道continuation monad是否对应Hask上endofunctors之间的adjunction
另请参阅 nCatLab 关于 monad 的文章:https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/monad#RelationToAdjunctionsAndMonadicity
Relation to adjunctions and monadicity
Every adjunction (L ⊣ R) induces a monad R∘L and a comonad L∘R. There is in general more than one adjunction which gives rise to a given monad this way, in fact there is a category of adjunctions for a given monad. The initial object in that category is the adjunction over the Kleisli category of the monad and the terminal object is that over the Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras. (e.g. Borceux, vol. 2, prop. 4.2.2) The latter is called the monadic adjunction.