
How to drag and drop component on map in mousearea and get real time map coordinates

我想拖动一个在组件内部声明的MapQuickItem,并从地图中获取实时坐标。当 运行 代码我得到错误 "qrc:/main.qml:15: ReferenceError: mouseArea is not defined" 像 this.How 来访问组件外部的 mouseAea?或者在哪里声明拖动 属性 以获得访问鼠标区域?

Window {
id: window
width: 800
height: 800
visible: true

property bool dragged: mouseArea.drag.active

    id: hereMaps
    name: "here"
    PluginParameter { name: "here.app_id"; value: "oBB4FivcP23m2UZQCj8K" }
    PluginParameter { name: "here.token"; value: "P-D8XRRGeVt0YphUuOImeA" }

Map {
    id: mapOfWorld
    anchors.centerIn: parent;
    anchors.fill: parent
    activeMapType: supportedMapTypes[1];
    zoomLevel: 18
    plugin: hereMaps
    center: QtPositioning.coordinate(19.997454, 73.789803)
        id : mapAreaClick
        height: mapOfWorld.height
        width: mapOfWorld.width
        hoverEnabled: true
        anchors.fill: mapOfWorld
        preventStealing : true
        propagateComposedEvents : true
        anchors.centerIn: mapOfWorld

       Component {    // here error occurs
        id : test 
            id: anchor
           coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(19.997454, 73.789803)
            sourceItem: Item {
                Rectangle {
                    id: handle
                    color: "red"
                    width: 40
                    height: 40
                    radius: 40
                    x: anchor.x - width
                    y: anchor.y - height
                    Drag.active: true
                    MouseArea {
                        id: mouseArea
                        drag.target: handle
                        drag.threshold: 0
                        anchors.fill: parent

                    Connections {
                        target: anchor
                        onXChanged: if (!dragged) x = anchor.x - width
                        onYChanged: if (!dragged) y = anchor.y - height

                    onXChanged: {
                        var cordinate = mapOfWorld.toCoordinate((Qt.point((x),(y))));
                        console.log("onXChanged :" , cordinate)
                        if (dragged) anchor.x = x + width
                        var cordinate = mapOfWorld.toCoordinate((Qt.point((x),(y))));
                        console.log("onYChanged : ", cordinate)
                        if (dragged) anchor.y = y + height

mouseArea 未定义,因为没有创建对象。所以你必须从 test 组件 var anchorItem = test.createObject() 创建对象,然后将它添加到你的 mapOfWorld.addMapItem(anchorItem)

Window {
    id: window
    //property bool dragged: mouseArea.drag.active
       id: mapOfWorld
        Component {    // here error occurs
            id : test 
                id: anchor
                //moved here
                property bool dragged: mouseArea.drag.active 
        //create our anchor object///
        Component.onCompleted : {
            var mapAnchor = test.createObject()


看到这个问题,我还以为你是在重新发明轮子呢。我以前从未在 Qt 中使用 Maps,但 AFAIK Qt 我确信必须有最简单的方法来实现您的目标。所以在这里你有一点不同的解决方案。在我看来更简单:

Window {
    Map {
        id: map
        anchors.fill: parent
        activeMapType: supportedMapTypes[1];
        zoomLevel: 18
        plugin: hereMaps
        center: QtPositioning.coordinate(19.997454, 73.789803)

        MapItemView {
            id: markerItem
            model: [
                { id: "marker1", color: "red" },
                { id: "marker2", color: "green" },
                { id: "marker3", color: "blue" }
            delegate: mapMarkerComponent

        Component {
            id : mapMarkerComponent

            MapQuickItem {
                id: mapMarker
                coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(19.997454, 73.789803)

                sourceItem: Rectangle {

                    id: handle
                    color: modelData.color
                    width: 40
                    height: 40

                    MouseArea {
                        drag.target: parent
                        anchors.fill: parent

                    onXChanged: {
                        mapMarker.x += x

                    onYChanged: {
                        mapMarker.y += y

                onCoordinateChanged: {
                    console.log(modelData.id + ":" + coordinate);
