使用 ReactiveMongo 库表示要存储在 mongo 中的产品

Representing a product to store in mongo using ReactiveMongo library

我正在尝试为我的 mongodb 集合 "products" 建模产品。


  "_id": "abc123",  
  "sku": "sku123",
  "name": "some product name",
  "description": "this is a description",
  "specifications": {
    "name" : "name1",
    "metadata": [
      {"name1": "value1"},
      {"name2": "value2"},      

所以我的案例 classes 看起来像:

case class Product(
  id: String,
  sku: String,
  name: String,
  description: String,
  specifications: Specification

case class Specification(
  name: String,
  metadata: Metadata
case class Metadata( 
  kvp: Map[String, String]

所以现在我必须为每种类型的产品、规格和元数据创建处理程序,以便当数据为 read/written 到 mongo 时,它将执行正确的数据映射?



import reactivemongo.api.bson._

// Add in Metadata companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val metadataHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Metadata] = Macros.handler

// Add in Specification companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val specHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Specification] = Macros.handler

// Add in Product companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val productHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Product] = Macros.handler

那么任何使用 BSON Reader/Writer 类型类的函数都将接受 Product/Specification/Metadata:

  id = "X",
  sku = "Y",
  name = "Z",
  description = "...",
  specifications = Specification(
    name = "Lorem",
    metadata = Metadata(Map("foo" -> "bar"))))).foreach { doc: BSONDocument =>
  println(BSONDocument pretty doc)
/* {
  'id': 'X',
  'sku': 'Y',
  'name': 'Z',
  'description': '...',
  'specifications': {
    'name': 'Lorem',
    'metadata': {
      'kvp': {
        'foo': 'bar'
} */