使用 Prolog 解决脑筋急转弯 (Master Mind)

Using Prolog to solve a brain teaser (Master Mind)

一位同事与我们的 whatsapp 群组分享了这个:

This lock has a 3 digit code.
Can you guess it using only these hints?

我们使用类似于真理的东西解决了它 table。不过我很好奇,这在 Prolog 中是如何解决的?

这是一个采用 "generate, then test" 方法的方法。另一种方法是使用 CLP(FD)。

% This anchors the values of A,B,C to the digits

base([A,B,C])  :- member(A,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]),

% "291": one digit is right and in its place
% "245": one digit is right but in the wrong place
% "463": two digits are right but both are in the wrong place
% "578": all digits are wrong
% "569": one digit is right but in the wrong place

clue1([A,B,C]) :- A=2 ; B=9; C=1.
clue2([A,B,C]) :- member(2,[B,C]); member(4,[A,C]); member(5,[A,B]).
clue3([A,B,C]) :- permutation([_,6,3], [A,B,C]), [A,B,C]\=[_,6,3].
clue3([A,B,C]) :- permutation([4,_,3], [A,B,C]), [A,B,C]\=[4,_,3].
clue3([A,B,C]) :- permutation([4,6,_], [A,B,C]), [A,B,C]\=[4,6,_].
clue4([A,B,C]) :- A\=5 , B\=7 , C\=8.
clue5([A,B,C]) :- member(5,[B,C]); member(6,[A,C]); member(9,[A,B]).

solution(L)    :- base(L),clue1(L),clue2(L),clue3(L),clue4(L),clue5(L).


?- setof(L,solution(L),Solutions).
Solutions = [[3, 9, 4], [4, 9, 6], [6, 9, 4]].




"291": one digit is right and in its place
       (and of the other digits, none appears)
"245": one digit is right but in the wrong place
       (and of the other digits, none appears)
"463": two digits are right but both are in the wrong place
       (and the third digit does not appear)
"578": all digits are wrong
       (none of the digits appears in any solution)
"569": one digit is right but in the wrong place
       (and of the other digits, none appears)


这与 Will Ness 的解决方案基本相同,只是编码略有不同。

又出现了一个问题:在计算"values in the wrong place"时,必须计算可能的配对,即丢弃一个配对元素已用于计数。另请参阅:Master Mind Rule ambiguity. Using member/2 as I did won't do that, one has to use selectchk/3 以删除匹配的元素并继续简化列表。下面的代码已相应修复。错误版本在此示例中起作用,因为问题仅在错误位置出现重复数字。

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

% This anchors the values of A,B,C to the digits

base([A,B,C])  :- member(A,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]),

% "291": one digit is right and in its place
%        (and of the other digits, none appears)
% "245": one digit is right but in the wrong place
%        (and of the other digits, none appears)
% "463": two digits are right but both are in the wrong place
%        (and the third digit does not appear)
% "578": all digits are wrong
%        (== none of them appears in the solution)
% "569": one digit is right but in the wrong place
%        (and of the other digits, none appears)

% Compare guess against clue and:
% - Count the number of digits that are "on the right place"
%   and discard them, keeping the part of the guess and clue as
%   "rest" for the next step.
% - Count the number of digits that are "on the wrong place"
%   and discard any pairings found, which is done with 
%   selectchk/3. If one uses member/2 as opposed to 
%   selectchk/2, the "wrong place counting" is, well, wrong.

% Note: - Decisions (guards and subsequent commits) made explicit
%         Usual style would be to share variables in the head instead,
%         then have a "green" or "red" cut as first occurence in the body.
%       - Incrementing the counter is done "early" by a constraint "#="
%         instead of on return by an effective increment,
%         because I feel like it (but is this worse efficiency-wise?)
%       - Explicit repetiton of "selectchk/3" before the green cut,
%         because I want the Cut to stay Green (Could the compiler 
%         optimized this away and insert a Red Cut in the preceding
%         clause? Probably not because Prolog does not carry enough
%         information for it to do so)


right_place_counting([G|Gs],[C|Cs],CountOut,Grest,Crest) :-

right_place_counting([G|Gs],[C|Cs],CountOut,[G|Grest],[C|Crest]) :-

% ---


wrong_place_counting([G|Gs],Cs,CountOut) :-

wrong_place_counting([G|Gs],Cs,CountOut) :-

% ---

counting(Guess,Clue,RightPlaceCount,WrongPlaceCount) :-

clue1(Guess) :- counting(Guess,[2,9,1],1,0).
clue2(Guess) :- counting(Guess,[2,4,5],0,1).
clue3(Guess) :- counting(Guess,[4,6,3],0,2).
clue4(Guess) :- counting(Guess,[5,7,8],0,0).
clue5(Guess) :- counting(Guess,[5,6,9],0,1).

solution(L)  :- base(L),clue1(L),clue2(L),clue3(L),clue4(L),clue5(L).


?- solution(L).
L = [3, 9, 4] ;

check 谓词的直接编码:

check( Solution, Guess, NValues, NPlaces ) :-
    Solution = [A,B,C],
    Guess   = [X,Y,Z],
    findall( t, (member(E, Guess), member(E, Solution)), Values ),
    length( Values, NValues ),
    ( A=X -> V1    is 1    ; V1      is 0  ),
    ( B=Y -> V2     is 1+V1 ; V2      is V1 ),
    ( C=Z -> NPlaces is 1+V2 ; NPlaces is V2 ).


puzzle( [A,B,C] ):-
    findall( X, between(0,9,X), XS ),
    select(A,XS,RA), select(B,RA,RB), member(C,RB),
    /* "291": one digit is right and in its place
       "245": one digit is right but in the wrong place
       "463": two digits are right but both are in the wrong place
       "578": all digits are wrong
       "569": one digit is right but in the wrong place */
    check( [A,B,C], [2,9,1], 1, 1 ),
    check( [A,B,C], [2,4,5], 1, 0 ),
    check( [A,B,C], [4,6,3], 2, 0 ),
    check( [A,B,C], [5,7,8], 0, 0 ),
    check( [A,B,C], [5,6,9], 1, 0 ).


<i>23 ?- time( puzzle(X) ).
/* 13,931 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips) */
X = [3, 9, 4] <b>;</b>
/* 20,671 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips) */