
Grouping multiple lines in csv to one line and storing to variable


CSV 示例

结果、系统 ID、客户
成功,123,客户 A
失败,456,客户 B
失败,456,客户 B
失败,789,客户 B
成功,111,客户 C
失败,321,客户 D

电子邮件客户 B
System/s (456) & (789) 失败了
给客户 D
发邮件 System/s (321) 失败

Write-Host "CSVs: $CSVs"
foreach ($CSV in $CSVs) {
    $data = Import-Csv $CSV | Sort-Object Customer
    foreach ($line in $data) {
        if ($line.Result -eq "fail") {
            Write-Host  " Action should be taken for $($line.customer)" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
            Write-Host "$($line.Result) on SystemID's $($line.SystemID)"

您可以使用 Group-Object and Where-Object 根据客户故障对数据进行分组。

foreach ($CSV in $CSVs) {
    $data = Import-Csv $CSV | Sort-Object Customer
    $FailGroups = $data | Where Result -eq 'FAIL' | Group-Object Customer
    foreach ($FailGroup in $FailGroups) {
        $FailedCustomer = $FailGroup.Name
        $FailedSystems = ($FailGroup.Group.SystemID | Foreach-Object { "($_)" }) -join ' & '
        $MailMessage = "Systems/s {0} have failed" -f $FailedSystems
        $FailedCustomer # Outputting customers with failures
        $MailMessage # Outputting failed systems in formatted message
        # Below is a Custom Object that can be exported to CSV or retrieved later
        # [pscustomobject]@{'Customer' = $FailedCustomer; 'Message' = $MailMessage}

您现在可以使用 $FailedCustomer$MailMessage 在内部 foreach 迭代结束时制作您的电子邮件。

由于 Group-Object returns 一个 GroupInfo 对象,您将需要访问其 Name 属性 以获得用于 属性 的值确定分组。 Group 属性 包含分组中包含的 CSV 行(对象)。

如果您采用自定义对象路线,则可以将所有输出作为数组存储到单个变量中。然后,您可以将该数组导出到 CSV 文件中,或者为您的电子邮件任务遍历该数组。

$output = foreach ($CSV in $CSVs) {
    $data = Import-Csv $CSV | Sort-Object Customer
    $FailGroups = $data | Where Result -eq 'FAIL' | Group-Object Customer
    foreach ($FailGroup in $FailGroups) {
        $FailedCustomer = $FailGroup.Name
        $FailedSystems = ($FailGroup.Group.SystemID | Foreach-Object { "($_)" }) -join ' & '
        $MailMessage = "Systems/s {0} have failed" -f $FailedSystems
        [pscustomobject]@{'Customer' = $FailedCustomer; 'Message' = $MailMessage}
# Export to CSV
$output | Export-Csv -Path C:\Path\FailedCustomers.csv -NoType
# Email customers example
foreach ($customer in $output) {
    $MailParams = @{
        'SmtpServer' = 'smtp.domain.com'
        'Subject' = 'Failures'
        'To' = $customer.Customer
        'From' = you@domain.com
        'Body' = $customer.Message
    Send-MailMessage @MailParams